"SEC | S19W5 | Effect of Digital Classrooms on our Educational System"

in Teachers & Studentslast month (edited)

The influence of technology devices has really helped our life to be easy, especially the educational sector, where we have different types of electronic materials to make teaching very easy and fun.

Explain your understanding of the word digital classrooms and why it should be adopted in our educational systems.

teacher-4784917_1280 (1).jpg

Digital classrooms is simply the act of teaching students with digital materials that will display for them to see everything, and it will also reduce the workload of teachers as everything will be programmed for the students to learn faster.
This process connects teachers and students all around the world so that they can learn together. All that is needed is just a good network coverage, and you're all set to go.

I remember during the covid19 outbreak, many online platforms started teaching students and those who are working hard the opportunity to do everything online because of the outbreak


Everything definitely happens for a reason and if not for the outbreak of covid19 technology wouldn't have invented all the instruments used for digital classrooms, in my area students were going to school online and they all connect and interact with themselves very well.
I was happy seeing different students learning together despite being at home. Learning became easy for everyone because you will see everything and easily understand.


I went to this school and i saw this students paying football because they was no chalk to write on the board for them, the more reason we should all embrace digital learning

This idea should be adopted because it will make learning very easy and also reduce the work of teachers. Honestly speaking, it's not easy to copy notes on the board and also explain it for the students. After copying the notes, it increases the duration of certain topics, which is not good.

But when you have a device that have stored everything that you want to talk about it will be very easy to explain it to students, the classrooms will be very fun as everything will be displayed for them to see for themselves and the images will appear clearly.


Learning becomes more fun and comfortable with digital materials, for instance you can easily project everything for them to see instead of using chalkboard that will waste your time, we're in a technology world where things have become very easy for everyone especially learning, projectors also helps in increasing engagement between students because it will display everything that is happening in the classrooms.

List and explain 3 gadgets (with their images) that are needed for an effective digital classroom in our educational sectors.

Smart board: Chalkboards are things of the past and Smart board make teaching easy for teachers because they won't stress themselves trying to copy notes for students as everything will be programmed on the board for students to see and learn from it.


Smart board is a very good gadget for effective digital classrooms because all you need is just to operate it, and anything you want to display on the board for the students will display.

Smartphone: Smartphone is very effective gadgets to promote digital classrooms because it will everyone together via a platform, for instance Google meet, zoom etc so that digital classrooms will be fun and interactive.


A smartphone can perform many activities like communicating with your teachers and also classmates, we are different and sometimes we easily forget when we are been taught or even our homework, so with a smartphone we can easily send a message across to our classmates incase of any relevant information.
With a smartphone, the WhatsApp group will be created for all members to enable quality interactions and also announcements in case of any changes made or an emergency.

Laptop: If every students have laptops of their own, it will be easy to save information of what they are being taught, and also to organise lessons for students.


Once there's a provision of laptop for every student, it will have an advantage over other people who don't use laptops because of it benefits.
For instance, you can prepare a presentation and save it on your laptop, and also store all your documents inside it.

Discuss the benefits & challenges associated with digital classrooms as compared to physical classrooms.
women-7918272_1280.webp SourceSee how happy she's because she is enjoying the lectures

Anything that has benefits will definitely have challenges associated with it.
So, for this, I will say that digital classrooms make learning easy and fun and also help in connecting teachers and students and creating a good bond.

Unlike in physical classrooms where the teachers need to copy notes for students and also explain it to them, in digital classrooms, you have all the instruments for an effective learning environment.

The challenges affecting digital classrooms are poor Internet connection. When there's no Internet connection, it will be very hard to commence digital learning.
We all send relevant information and also interact with one another online, and sometimes we face difficulties due to poor Internet, just like the ugly experience of the people of Bangladesh.

I am using this opportunity to invite @pandora2010, @josepha, @enamul17 and @marito74 to join me and participate in this wonderful contest


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We are the hope!

 last month 

Beautiful entry my friend...the need for a digital setting in the educational system cannot be overemphasized. I wish you the very best in your entry.

 last month 

Thanks brother for this great comment of yours i really appreciate it 🙏

Success you to you and many blessings 🙌

 last month 

Saludos amiga, la tecnología es una herramienta para la educación, en mi caso particular la puse en práctica durante y después de la pandemia, actualmente es más comun estudiar de manera virtual,

Para mí son esenciales los los audífonos y las webcam depende del estudiante si es visual o auditivo, lo positivo es que puedes estudiar de cualquier parte del mundo.

Exitos en el curso bendiciones 💛💙❤️

 last month 

Sí, querido amigo, puedes estudiar desde cualquier parte del mundo gracias a la influencia de la tecnología.

Gracias por este maravilloso comentario tuyo, realmente lo aprecio. Saludos desde esta parte del mundo.

 last month 

Kelas digital bisa belajar tanpa batas ruangan dan waktu dapat menjangkau semua siswa walaupun di daerah yang sangat sulit di jangkau oleh guru melalui jalur darat, kelas digital semua orang dapat belajar namun harus ada jaring internet dan fasilitas tower telelomunikasi di seluruh penjuru wilayah. Semoga sukses di kontes ini :)

 last month 

Terima kasih banyak Pak atas komentar luar biasa Anda, saya sangat menghargainya 😊 🙏

 last month 

Tampak dari wajahnya yang tersenyum sangat menikmati ceramahnya

 last month 


 last month 

Greetings friends

The best replacement of physical classes into digital classroom because I writing on the blackboard takes a lot of time consuming task and burring for students to write on note books also tiring for teachers, but with digital learning materials everything can be done more easily like smart board need only finger touch,the laptop and smart phone , documents camera,fast internet accessiblity made problem solved in seconds but the important thing is that whether the education system of the country can afford these expenses or facilities.

New generation always in hurry the Digital classes besides have many benefits also has many challenges, like social interaction and internet issues are commonly found in system.
Over all informative and well answering assignment you submit , wishing you success and blessings 😊😊

 last month 

Wow 👌 i really appreciate your wonderful comments on my blog and i love the way you analyse everything.
Thanks so much for taking time to read my blog, blessings 🙌 to you.

 last month 

Hello thanks for sharing with us your amazing work.

I'm really excited reading from your entry and I see you outlined the necessity of a digital classroom, beginning with shortage of didactic material for face to face learning.

Also you make use of digital board and other methods to exercise digital lessons.

Concluding with cons and pros. You made a good entry.

Good luck..

 last month 

Thanks for this wonderful comment of yours i really appreciate it 😊

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