Palm Springs: Andy Samberg shows he has real acting capability

in Netflix & Streaming3 years ago

Andy Samberg doesn't do drama... he doesn't have to. He is making a ton of money off of just being Andy Samberg in Brooklyn 99 and films that are essentially the same character. However, it seems as though it is tradition for people like him to attempt every now and then to try to transition to more serious roles because well, Adam Sandler did it, so why not.


Let's go ahead and be honest here: Most of this is still your usual Andy Samberg stuff and well, we wouldn't watch it if it wasn't that. However, here is a dramatic side to this that shows that once his schtick wears off (and I think that time is coming soon) that he is going to need to do something else and personally I feel as though this film is a nice segue into that.

Andy plays the role of Nyles, who at first just appears to be someone that is really good at being charming in a DGAF way at a wedding but we later figure out that there is a lot more to his attitude towards the wedding that he is attending in the film


The reason why I didn't give a spoiler warning for this is because it is extremely evident in the trailer where this is going and honestly, while the film is taking place there is very little left to the element of surprise either - but that doesn't mean the film isn't good because of this.

Nyles is living the same day over and over again just like Groundhog Day and he has no idea why or how he can get out of it and honestly, his decision to appear at weddings drunk and not giving a crap how he looks or acts at them becomes increasingly apparent as the film goes on even though unlike Groundhog Day they don't show hundreds of days in a row... in fact, it isn't until about 40 minutes into the film that we are even given a glimpse into this (unless you watch the trailer) and even though the idea is essentially stolen from Groundhog Day it still kind of works.

Personally, I wonder if they had to ask Bill Murray for permission before they did this movie.

This is funny if you have seen the movie

What makes this film good is not the unimaginative plot but rather the fact that Sanberg, who we have all come to love for his whimsical performance as Jake Peralta or perhaps as "Rod" from Hot Rod comes out in bits but in most of the film he is serious and shows that he has serious dramatic chops as well.


I suppose it is difficult to take my word for it based on the imagery that I have provided and honestly, there aren't any word that I can think of to convince anyone that he has the potential to be a dramatic powerhouse either... you'll just have to watch the film and see if you see the subtleties in there the same way that I did.

Should I watch it?

I love Andy Samberg so my opinion might be a bit pumped up but at the same time I like to believe that this move is actually a minor transition for the man as we will see Brooklyn 99 phase out in a while (which is driven almost entirely by him) and see him seek progressively more serious roles. I found him compelling in the serious moments of this film and really look forward to the point where he starts to explore his (in my mind) clear ability for serious dramatic acting... even if it has to be in baby-steps to get the rest of us to accept it. I loved this movie despite its obvious and predictable storyline



I thought it wasn't bad at all. I mean obviously it was never gonna compare to a Groundhog Day by any means of the quality. But i think Cristin and Andy do have very good acting chemistry which at the very least, makes this film worth watching. I also think cameos from J.K simmons are fantastic and it does get you to a chuckle at a few points. Definitely worth it if you have no brain power left at the end of the day and just want an easy film to enjoy.

  • probably a 5.5/10 for me, above average, but not excessively.

I was actually a bit surprised to see that J.K. Simmons would sign on for a role like this but his involvement was certainly welcome.

I don't understand the motivation to ever leave the time loop to be honest, especially once you have someone that has the shared memories to bring along with you. Well, maybe not the one that tries to kill you repeatedly but the other one, sure.

I feel like it just is one of those "you have to live in it to realise" kind of things. Be with someone you love all you want but knowing u will stay in the everlasting loop without any sort of change is painful thought to think about.

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