Candies, cookies & Chocolate

in CCC3 years ago

Today it's Halloween!
A celebration day for some and as I understand in the USA it's for many something to look forward too.
Not for me since I am not raised with it.
I came out of bed later not feeling too well and with the intention to go back to bed after a mug of tea.
Of course I stayed out and even before I drank my tea I filled the children's bucket (no idea where or when I bought it).


During the past month I saved and bought candies. The children are old enough to not eat immediately everything. Not that it's forbidden (better for their teeth anyway). Chocolate is the most wanted candy over here and it works positive if it comes to the mood.


In the past years I bought a pumpkin only once or twice. It's not our favourite food and too expensive to waste. Once I made pumpkin soup though but pumpkin pie I never tried. The recipe once given to me years ago I never tried because it's incomplete.

The best pumpkin carvin artist is my daughter. For several years she curved something great and at that time it was fun to do this together. In a way I miss the creative things we did together. It was part of our way to make the best out of celebration days during Autumn and Winter. Due to the restrictions these days are over. The only thing left are the memories and hope to survive this Winter.

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 3 years ago 

I had completely forgotten to do my publications. Thanks for reminding me. I like chocolates and so does Angelo. I'm going to write something now. Happy Sunday, Lord's day.

You are welcome. Chocolate is our favourite too. The taste lasts longer.

Hello @wakeupkitty... HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2021…

Thank you. I hope you had a great day too. 💖

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