
in CCC3 years ago

This is my entry to the weekly CCC contest: What does TODAY Mean to YOU? 4.18 hosted by @freedomshift

Things have changed since school started again in September 2021. I no longer need to wake up early and get out of bed. Frequently I do wake up but stay in bed and the children? They leave without me but Fridays are different. On Fridays, I get out at 4 a.m. and drive along with the bus-kid to the bus stop and take the car back home. The youngest's schedule starts three hours later which means late at home and I'm driving up and down too. Fridays mean more scheduling, killing time in town to save gasoline. One litre of gasoline costs 2 euros! Two euros is about 6 gulden if not more. I remember the time one litre did cost hfl 0,50. Fifty cents, gulden cents not euros but this is all planned. We'll be forced to give up on our cars the electric vehicles included.

It's Autumn and it did freeze during the past nights. It's the first time I wear my winter hat. With gloves, I started two days ago.

Soon father Winter will arrive and stay longer than what is good for me but before that, we set the clock backwards because of Wintertime. It's the most ridiculous and useless concept there is. The idea was to save energy (?) in reality it saves nothing.


Wintertime... officially it's back to our old, the real time. Summertime is fake time although... If it comes to Wintertime we are still 20 minutes ahead of the original time. Those twenty minutes were set by the Germans and might explain why so many people have a hard time starting the day.

Fooling with people their biorhythm is not something that should be ignored but can be that is part of the plan. Forcing people into nonsense, making them get used to fake news, following orders, driving them crazy.

I remember all those years I struggled for weeks. It was hard to get yourself and a baby into a new feeding rhythm. For years the EU talks about giving up on this idea but if it comes to it it's not more than spreading old news while in reality, nothing happens. Might be it's another try to unite us although most people do not feel any bond. Nationalism is stronger than ever.

Useless talks... It's the same with the blah blah spread around the coronavirus called a killer virus although 20 months later people still don't drop dead on the streets if they meet and greet.

This year, 2021 more people became sick and died because of the experimental vaccines than in 2020 because of Covid-19 if... Covid exists at all. The virologists aren't sure, the tests can't tell and the governments base their restrictions on schedules, might be, it's possible and perhaps which means no logic, keeping distance, wearing face masks and washing hands while doctors are forbidden to cure people. Socrates' oath is a joke, doctors are, medical care is. One should wonder why healthcare workers do not simply give up on their job since plastic bags and ventilators do not cure but harm people for life. Perhaps those fighters for nonsense earn too well.

If it comes to life... Life is no longer a gift, holy. The great reset is a fact, the pandemic planned (too much videos and scientific articles in medical magazines prove what is planned by a handful of people who benefit from it while the rest should be happy with nothing).

SF or cyberpunk films if you like become true if it's not already the case. People, sheep following a lion fight each other and while they do they forget to focus on what's really important.

Rules, laws haven't changed although "prime ministers" want to make us believe this is the case. Threatening people is enough and goes faster. No matter what the judge says it's ignored by those who rule.

Wintertime will be longer than expected. No one talks about the old promise 'back to normal'. Suddenly 70+% vaccination is not enough. Suddenly the fact the coronavirus spreads by aerosols no longer counts, the WHO calls infected a pandemic instead of death. Suddenly (Summer 2020) we count infections instead of sick people even if we don't know these people will ever get sick. It's like Dave Chappelle in his last show 'The Closer' said: I sit in quarantine and wait till I get sick but nothing happens.

Nothing indeed happens because we all sit in our chairs being afraid hoping someone else will save us. It won't get any better. After being a social security number it's time to be a QR code and check in with it for every step you take. Today the QR stands for the fake security you are healthy and a good sheep. Next year after Winter health no longer counts but it's all about behaviour.

The day will arrive you wish you only was in that lockdown for some weeks and they let you out to party, go on a holiday instead of being home 24/7 and being watched by a drone because your behaviour is not accepted and you are a danger to society.

Summertime and Wintertime will not reunite people either did the EU, the latest coronavirus or World War III. The plandemic will not but only divide us in more. The sheep against those who fight for their right, freedom, corruption, healthcare for everyone. It's worth the fight and it's good to know there are people with brains, intelligent people who sacrifice themselves for others, who are not confused and mislead by threats, fake news and fear.

I will be dead and buried (burned) at the time this war ends but I do wonder how those worse than Nazis will feel if they wake up.

October 15, 2021


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@benisnice, @marblely, @habdallah, @gertu, @sammypoet and @udofot you are invited to join this contest. #freedom #life #kittywu #diary #today

 3 years ago 

Hi, I already left my entry yesterday in the freedomshif contest. I am writing an entry for hive and then one for

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