Today July 26, 2021: too much needs to be done.

in CCC3 years ago

Today it's for the second week in a row I'll stay at home. My child has asked for an extra week of work and will drive alone. This means I have no transport to town. It doesn't bother me to stay home. I have water and food and all I need.

The Summer will be over soon. I haven't done much, didn't rest and we haven't had a vacation feeling either. As soon as we intend to go out something comes in between. My health or it starts raining.


There is plenty to do but I spend most of the days with doing those house chores which has to be done. Wolves, cats, plants, garden, laundry, doing the dishes although I hardly cook and watching films if I am not too tired or in the mood.
Watching films is hard for me. I need to hold my phone and without the internet, I can not download anything from Netflix. Watching online is impossible.


Although we hardly did anything I spent a lot of money so it's time to be more careful and watch my steps again. There's no pocket money left and only one more income before school starts again. I couldn't save gasoline because my child drove a lot to get to work. Six weeks of extra driving did cost me a lot of gasoline and the price is high at the moment.


I hope to get a bit more rest and there won't be as many flies as there are now. They drive me crazy and the birds and cats don't catch them. The entire day I try to hit them but these little ones always escape.

PhotoGrid_1627214961987.jpgI could use some help but even a gnome will charge you. If not it's slavery or abuse.

I didn't finish the walls outside, I didn't finish the window frames of the guesthouse, I still need to varnish the wood of the roof and I need to repair and paint the window frames of my bedroom very soon. If not it will be a hard if not harder winter again. It's depressing to see how much work has to be done and how fast time passes by.

This is my entry to the CCC contest What does TODAY Mean to YOU? 4.07 hosted by @freedomshift
Deadline, July 31, 2021, US CST


Join for the big December prize.
@marblely @heartbeat1515 @husein97 @yeesja @luimer7 @sarix @mgaft1 @olivia08 @ngozi996 @felixgarciap @wendyth16 @sexycarmen @wendyalexa I invite you to share your day. Mention me so if I win you win too! Come on join this contest and don't forget to mention me for shared prizes/bonuses and to engage! You need two entries only!


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