C stands for... Commenting

in CCC2 years ago

It's not always easy to leave a comment. I remember how I had to get used to read and answering a stranger. In a way it feels as if I'm an intruder but I guess that's how internet works. You read something, try to answer a question or to add something to a discussion. Interaction is important if you like to know someone.


This morning I read an article about scam. How easily it is to be scammed. I was kind of surprised to read PayPal was mentioned and the number 3 is family/friends. My answer you can read underneath:

Your number 3 is my number 1: family, friends, neighbours first. They are the worst including the "don't you love me", you should be in my shoes" and the "you know me, I thought we were friends" and "family supports each other".
My tip: ask yourself if that person you are willing to give, lend, borrow does the same for you. Most likely the answer is no. They knock on your door because you are the easiest prey and you believe the change. A scammer his job is fooling people and taking their money. I have no respect for them.
I give a beggar on the street if they don't bother or follow me. Like the elderly with the pup. At times I give if someone asks me if he can take my shopping cart back. He can keep the money I had to put in it if I have a coin left. If someone asks me for food if we eat I give mine. If they ask for money to buy food but get angry if I say I don't have any but can shop in my pantry I don't give them anything.
It doesn't always make me comfortable if I give and they treat me like shit or can't say thank you.
I noticed family/friends who scam you do the same. They never say thank you, never come up with a plan, scold at you if you dare to ask for repayments and call you greedy. Interesting a scammer always calls the one who gives greedy or says you gave it out of the free will and could have said no.
The thing is if manipulation is involved it's hard to say no, especially to your partner or family. They expect you to back them up, scold at you but do nothing in return. I agree a scammer loves to say he's a good guy, you can trust him which is the sign to back off. Trust shows my attitude and instead of bragging how he ripped someone off, he can better start working.
A beggar, one who doesn't harass you deserves more respect. Respect and help.
Once a man with a huge tumour in his belly showed me a free parking lot. He talked to me in that parking lot in front of the hospital. He will not be operated and I smelled alcohol but I did give him money. He didn't ask for it, did not follow me or complained. He answered my questions about his situation and to be honest I'm fine if he buys alcohol with it. If alcohol makes him feel better for a while I'm not the one who should say he better eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away.
Number 2 would be an internet scam. Hackers, scammers via social media, e-mail. It's the burglary of this century. Once cash is gone other ways need to be found to stay alive.
The old fashioned thief will be back. Shoplifting, cars, shopping bags, plants out of your garden, bikes, cars and so on. Items will get rare and with that literally, everything will have high-value pets and children included.
Money doesn't stink but abusive manipulators do. Those who say they are good and always smile can't be trusted. Watch " the Tinder Swindler" and avoid social media and PayPal.

Ever been victim of scam or did you commit that crime?
If you like share your experiences, no judgement just interested if it pays, how bad it is or to get over it.


See @team-ccc for this contest


An interesting topic and your comment is wort posting. It's hard to avoid to be scammed.

It's nice to know from someone else point of view. I came here to comment. Lol.

For me, my number 1 would be phone scam. The one that text you or call you on your phone.

The one that I despise the most is when they scam elderly people. They need to rot in jail and continue to rot in hell.

Phone scam we hardly have or at least I don't have it. Can be because I rarely answer the phone and know anomynous stands for annoying and numbers I don't recognize I don't answer.

Been stalked for many years, phone included, switched numbers and so on. No landline for me. Who knows me can text or send an e-mail.

Btw we have a site where you can register if people can call you (sales whatsoever) but doesn't always work out fine.

Switching numbers doesn't help either. My kid has a number and they keep calling from day #1 Perhaps because of the former owner?

I think the elderly might find it rude not to pick up. I no longer care.

For years I switched the doorbell off and had a note I don't buy at the door.

E-mail spam I don't have too much either. What I don't like, know or want I label as spam.

It helps if you can ask someone before you act. I remember twice I had a strange message 'from the bank'. Perhaps one by whatsapp, can be both as a text message.
My daughter said: that's spam so I deleted it.

Today banks warn for it (online) but for example Western Union makes it you hard to transfer money to certain countries. They know where most of the scammers live though today they are everywhere.

There was a docu of a group of Irish. They stay at campings, don't pay, take over the place. They tell the elderly they need help, repairements and so on and next charge high bills (even if they say no), threaten them, beat them up or rob their house. 😕

I think the elderly might find it rude not to pick up. I no longer care.

They sad reality is, they usually thought it was their children or something got to do with their child. Asian parents are a bit soft with age. It's like we become total different person.

Thank you for joining this contest. It's good to see you back.

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