Contest #CCC 2.37 What do you do with ...? and announcement of the winner - #2.36.

in CCC4 years ago (edited)

¡Hello friends of Steemit!

Today with another excellent new contest challenge from the #CCC team. This is the friend @gertu hosting and sponsoring her new contest here entitled "What do you do with...? Week #4/ Contest What do you do with ...? Week 4" With this week's theme: What do you do with butterflies

Butterflies are one of the most beautiful species that we have on our planet, are responsible for transporting pollen from flowers to different plants and help pollination and natural pest control, are part of the living things that are feeding each other in order to give part of the food chain and are indicators of the environmental quality and health of ecosystems in which they live.


Its life cycle is wonderful, its transformation from egg to caterpillar and then to chrysalis is somewhat surprising and makes it fascinating for teaching children and adults to such an interesting aspect of nature.

The theme of this week is what we use them for, I say I have the joy of seeing them often, posing in my garden, cheering up and adorning the landscape with their unique beauty and I think many of us will agree that butterflies are fantastic beings.


Happiness is like a butterfly if you pursue it, you may never reach it; but if you wait for it patiently, it will surely land on you


Photos of my property


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To participate in this wonderful contest here

 4 years ago (edited)

Hola @theresa16, te extrañe. Es hermosa tu mariposa. Pero,
Explíqueme esta parte de tu texto:"Una de las grandes ventajas que nos brinda es que se puede consumir diariamente y de diferentes maneras. Como en exquisitas ensaladas, en salsas, solo con sal y aceite, deshidratadas, fritas o rellenas." usted se alimenta con mariposas?

Hola amiga disculpa por no darme cuenta de ese pequeño error, lo que pasa es que yo en mi casa no tengo internet,desde hace un año y medio se robaron los cables y es fecha que no han resuelto el problema, yo hago mis publicaciones en mi trabajo y copio el formato anterior y voy eliminando y colocando, pero tengo que hacerlo muy rápido, y a veces ni puedo. Yo tengo en mi casa dos bam y a veces eso no carga y si las mariposas se ya no quedaran ni una jajaja, Gracias por la observación. Saludos

 4 years ago 

uff que alivio, pensé que eras parte de alguna tribu, jajaja que se comen a estas mariposas. Nunca se sabe.

I assume you changed the post now?

Posted using Partiko Android

que también me gusta saber ... si es una respuesta a la pregunta 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

 4 years ago 

Ella dice que fue un error de copiar y pegar, por medio de formatos. Se le adjuntó ese párrafo de un escrito anterior que decía que se comen y todo lo demás. jajaja me sentí extraña al leer eso. Habrá personas que comen mariposas?? Espero que lo haya podido arreglar.

She says it was a mistake to copy and paste, through formats. He was attached that paragraph of a previous writing that said they eat and everything else. hahaha I felt strange reading that. Will there be people who eat butterflies? I hope you could fix it. @theresa16 @wakeupkitty.

Me gustaría saber si la gente los come. Se comen insectos, gusanos, todo tipo de insectos. ¿Quizás alguna decoración en tu postre o ensalada? Abrazos. 💕

I would like to know if people eat them. Bugs, worms, all kinds of insects are eaten. Perhaps some decoration on your dessert or salad? Hugs. 💕

 4 years ago 

Nada de insectos en mis postres o ensaladas. jajaja @wakeupkitty.

Linda mariposa.

Posted using Partiko Android

 4 years ago 

Thank you for joining this contest. We gave you an upvote, wish you good luck and a great weekend.
Please note all upvotes are manually given and we have a lack of SP to support each member.
Greetings @team-ccc

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