CCC contest 3.51: What do you do with...?

in CCC3 years ago (edited)

"What do you do with the greens in your garden?" This is the topic for this week by @gertu.


We call this plant "green"; ironic, I know. We use it to make a vegetable soup and to garnish certain foods.


This is a cluster of parsley; a wonderful spice used to well, spice up food. My mother also uses it to make parsley shakes. It's not as delicious as it sounds lol.


I'm still not certain what this plant is but its fruit and I go a long way back. I distinctly remember believing that it's fruit was an egg for huge larva (maggots) as a child.


As it's the maize season in Bamenda, Cameroon, some young maize plants are already ready to be fertilized.


And of course the pepper plant. As my mother always taught me, a meal is never complete without a dash of pepper.

I'm inviting @nyuywir-frank to join this contest.

All pictures are mine taken with a SOV35.

This is an invitation to join #ccc


😊 challenge accepted.. bruh ya camera is legit.. that garden is awesome .. bruh

Thank you and hope to see your contest post. Don't forget to go through the updated link and check out the Creed of #ccc

 3 years ago 

Very nice greens you brought. I was delayed in the contest for reasons beyond my control. The new theme will be out on Friday and I hope to see you again.

Thank you. I'm waiting patiently for the next theme

 3 years ago 

This coming Friday.

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