Looking back, looking forward... School / Education

in CCC5 years ago

My school days started and ended many, many years ago. Back then, there was no air conditioner, no lockers and everything in the school was old. We would sit in the class and hope for the wind to cool us down. We had to wear uniforms and lug our heavy bags with us to school every weekday.

We had wooden tables and chairs, the kind of that were scratched, chipped and full of carvings and doodles. Blackboards that were green and dusty with chalk powder.
Image source by Mwesigwa Joel from Unsplash

In my entire school days, I pretty much just went to 2 different schools, one for primary (from 7 years old until 12) and another for secondary (from 13 until 19 years old) education, this did not include preschool and college days.

My primary school was located in a valley and during rainy seasons, it usually gets flooded and the fire rescue would come with a boat to "rescue" us who were stranded there. Then, my secondary school was on a hill where monkeys tend to come visit us every now and again.

In certain years, when the schools had too many students, we were divided into morning and afternoon sessions. Some days, we would be required to either go to the school early or stay back after school for extra curricular activities such as drama club, swimming club, chess club, etc. I enjoyed the extra curricular activities quite a bit because they kind of expanded my horizons to do other things, other than going for classes.

Whether it was morning or afternoon sessions, before classes start, we would have to follow a weekly duty roster in which each of us took turns to sweep the classroom, wipe the blackboard, dust the shelves, wash the toilet, etc. The toilet part, always the most un-fun part.

Looking back, school days were quite tiring especially the waking up early part and in the afternoon sessions, getting home late. But I quite liked school, because it was away from home and I was able to explore my interests and likes.

The part I disliked about school was the exams and homework and extra curricular or replacement classes on weekends. But I liked almost everything else - most of the classes, most of the extra curricular activities and friends. I liked some teachers too who really taught us what they know and were not stingy with knowledge.

I remembered hanging out with friends in the canteen or under a tree, just to chit chat, or play games while waiting for classes to start or during recess. I remembered having teachers who were hilarious, not because they were intentionally funny but it was because of the way they were.

I had a teacher once, who liked sitting on the table, crossing her legs while she taught, wearing a short skirt. And every time she crossed her legs, her panty would show and we would all giggle. But we never told her about that because she was mean to us, always giving us quizzes and making us stand throughout the class session if we got the answer wrong.

My secondary school was also said to be haunted and we would hear creepy stories from the caretaker who lived in the school compound. He would tell us the sounds he heard, the flash of light or shadow that suddenly appeared and disappeared.

Then, every children's day or end of a school year, we would come up with classroom parties, teachers would give us goody bags filled with chocolates and we would gather in the school hall to watch a classic movie like Popeye. We would decorate our classrooms with balloons and draw chalk graffiti on the blackboard. And on some years, the teachers would organize fund raising activities for the school and we would create haunted classrooms and get the students plus family to pay for tickets to enter.

At the end of the day, school days were great fun for me, especially with all the different experiences that I had, with friends and with teachers. I participated in school plays, joined the school band, went for story telling competitions, choral speaking and many more. It was also where I learnt art, craft and music to a certain extent, to know that I like them, even until today.

At home, I was a very quiet and timid person but when I went to school, I was somehow a different person, able to speak up for myself with teachers and classmates. I had classmates who were bullies but somehow I managed to retaliate and in turn, they didn't dare to bully me again.

I think I learnt a lot in school, not so much from the formal education part of it but from the environment and the surroundings, the friends I made (whom I still keep in touch until this day) and the teachers who taught us. Although I had good memories of my school days, I don't think I would want to go through all those years again :P.

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Looking back / Look forward
school / education


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