An entry for CONTEST Looking Back/Look Forward 3.42 : Future

in CCC3 years ago

This is an entry for CONTEST Looking Back/Look Forward 3.42 by @wakeupkitty.


I am inviting @auleo @bboyady @marblely @gertu and @felixgraciap to join in.

Looking back.

From the moment I started thinking about, "What will happen if..?
My life has also stated will responsibilities. I keep on having questions like, "What if..?"

What will happen if...

  • I did not finish school with shining armour?
  • I did not get a monthly paid salary kind of job?
  • I did not force myself to build houses?
  • I did not take loans from the bank?

For all these questions, I only have one answer.
I might end up in different problems.

Life is not life without problems to be settled but it does not feel alive by failing to live even with problems around.
Did you get what I mean?

What if...

  • My parents did not get into troubles first?
  • my sister managed to get a proper job?
  • My mother did not get a stroke?
  • I did not get married?

For all these questions I still have one answers for it too.
" I will not be getting what I already have now. A house, a companion, friends and a beautiful daughter"

All that questions. It is all in the past now. The answer for it is now my future.

Looking forward.

I definitely will have a good life. It is alright if I feel extremely tired now because everything that I am currently working on will be my endless effort for a better future. I have good friends and I am blessed in every single corner of my life. Every challenge that I have faced before made me what I am now.

I can smile while I cry, I can earn will I am broke, I survived because I have friends that concerns and I live for my daughter. Someday, she will be proud of me as her mother. I will be able to see her live a better life than mine. Even if she married the same kind of guy as her father, she will be able to be independent.

I have prayed to God while she is still in my womb.

"May that my child becomes beautiful not only from the outside but also from the inside"

and she is.

"May she be stronger emotionally and physically better than me"

and she is. She is seriously strong for 3 years old. God for sure has a weird way to answer prayer but I am glad she is.
She did not cry when her skin is scratched and she only cries once if she got injured while she never cries again awaiting for her wound to heal. She raises up her head looking at me the day she came out of my womb when they placed her on my chest.

I hope that her future will be amazing and all my efforts will be worth it all.

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 3 years ago 

I ask God to hear your prayers. May your prayers come true and may it be his will.

Thank you. Chain prayers is stronger.

I hope too your efforts will be worth it and she will say "You are the best mom in the world".
Being independent is something that will makes us stronger.

You are my idol on this one. Reading about you and your kids gave me this spirit.

Hi @heartbeat1515, i wish you all the best. We need to think in our future, so we can accomplish all the things we want. I am sure you can also accomplish yours. Greetings for you and blessings for your daughter

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

It always feels that I almost reach the future I want to but the truth is, it is still a long way to go. If I reached it now, probably I will be living a life without any more goals and it will be boring.

I agree, challenges are everywhere and that is what makes life interesting to live

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