[Esp-Eng] Mi entrada a "mirando para atrás y mirando para adelante" Semana 4.24 - My entry to “Looking back and looking forward” Week 4.24

in CCC3 years ago

Recuerdo cuando comencé en ésta comunidad CCC habían varios concursos. Estoy hablando de hace 3 años atrás. Era una comunidad donde habían muchos participantes. Y solo 4 concursos. Me encantaba participar en ellos.


Claro al principio no sabía como participar y me daba miedo y curiosidad. Estaba tan nueva aquí como en la plataforma y lo único que sabía era escribir sobre mis temas preferidos sobre la naturaleza.

Con el tiempo fui aprendiendo a participar en uno y en otro concurso. No lo hacía muy bien, ahora lo sé pero nos consentían a los nuevos. Y también me ayudaron a darme poder para seguir adelante y eso lo hizo @freedomshift.

Y yo continué adelante. Pero luego se salió de la comunidad uno de los miembros que alojaba uno de los concursos. Con el paso de los meses se retiró otro de los miembros alojadores. Pero se incorporó uno nuevo. Luego vino otro y un tercero.

Pero al final solo quedó @wakeupkitty alojando. Tiene alma de guerrera. Le encanta escribir y siguió y continuó hasta que con los meses se activó de nuevo @freedomshift y yo. Volvimos a alojar. Y yo volví a dejarlo porque no me alcanzaron los premios para dar.


Me gusta ayudar y compartir pero ya no tuve más ganancias y lo dejé.

En ésta semana he vuelto a arrojar un concurso. Después de los premios que he ganado participando en el concurso que freedomshift acaba de cerrar. He decidido regalar otros steem a los participantes. Para tratar de motivar de nuevo a la comunidad. Pero la que ha traído novedosos concursos aquí ahora es @wakeupkitty. Le deseo todo el éxito que se merece por ser tan perseverante.

Gracias a todos los comentaristas y los que tengan a bien votar y compartir mi publicación.

Esta es mi entrada para el concurso alojado por @wakeupkitty.

@gertu (5).png

I remember that when I started in the CCC community there were several contests. I'm talking about 3 years ago, back then it was a community where there were many participants and around only 4 contests, I loved to participate in them.


Of course, at the beginning I didn't know how to participate and I was scared and curious. I was as new here as I was on the platform and the only thing I knew was to write about my favorite topics about nature.

As time went by I learned how to participate in one contest after another. I didn't do very well, I know that now but they spoiled us newbies and they also helped empower me to keep going and that was done by @freedomshift.

And I kept going, but then one of the members who hosted one of the contests left the community and as the months went by another one of the hosting members left, but a new one joined. Then came another one and then a third one.

But in the end only @wakeupkitty was left hosting. She has the soul of a warrior. She loves to write and went on and on until over the months @freedomshift and I became active again, we went back to hosting and I stopped again because I couldn't afford to give prizes for the contest.


I like to help and share but by that point just I had no more earnings to give and I had no other option but to quit.

This week I have returned to throw a contest. After the prizes I won participating in the contest that freedomshift just closed I have decided to give away some steem to the participants, to try to motivate the community again. But I want to say that the one who has brought novel contests here now is @wakeupkitty and I wish her all the success she deserves for being so persevering and hard working.

Thanks to all the commenters and those who kindly vote and share my post.

This is my entry for the contest hosted by @wakeupkitty.

. This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Guaranteed 👍 Daily Income 💵 and Payout 💸 for Newbies (2.0) 🐟 🐜 🐛 in #ccc 👣 and Follow 👣 the Honor Code 🏅 - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)
the latest update <<< please click to read.

I'm @gertu from Venezuela to the world.



It is scary indeed to join contests and not know what to do. It feels odd too to join a group with strangers. I do like it though. This community is kind and helpful. I hope more people will join.

I have a look at your contest. Not sure if I make it.

 3 years ago 

The CCC community has always been friendly and helpful to all new fish.
I will look forward to seeing your entry.

I am going to post my entry now.

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