Contest 4.14: Looking back / @cachetes-27

in CCC3 years ago

There are times when I tend to question myself too much, for no reason, I look for definitions to words that will never have a meaning or at least for me. And that is how I have spent every day of my life, looking for answers in a labyrinth of doubts, which at the end of the day become much more complicated.

The image is of my authorship .


But.. all this uncertainty was before, I decided and chose it to be like this. Everything changed just when I started to Read. And is that... many people ask me the Why do I do it, It is true, that for some it may seem boring, but for me it is the door to a world of new experiences.

Every time I start a book, I have a new life and I like to believe that it is so, I get attached to the characters to such an extent that I cry for their departure, for their absence and for their farewell.

Each dream and goal of the protagonist becomes my inspiration to keep growing, beyond that, I find many of the answers that left me with no way out of that dark and dark labyrinth, my greatest fears are exposed but also my greatest abilities.

Reading is simply the passage to an adventure where you can be happy while you learn or you can choose to be sad while you grow emotionally. And it's not a stage, it's a lifestyle, I don't see words when I open a book I see castles, stories, characters. I am so sorry for those who only see words and don't have the opportunity to be able to imagine, but for me, this is the best thing that could have happened to me.

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I hope everyone had an Excellent day!!!! Greetings <3

I invite you to see my Presentation Post:

More about me

~May the brightness of the colors be with you always!


Reading is stepping into different world. It helped me to survive as a child. Later I read to find out about different opinions, views on life.
We always seem to think life has a purpose. One book titled: What if life has no meaning is an eyeopener too. It's typical for humans to think there should be more than being born and the countdown to death. All the worries and thinking makes it hard to enjoy, focus on what counts.

I hope you will read us too.
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¡Gracias por la invitacion!

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