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RE: July Week #2 Curation Report || @steemcurator08 by Lifestyle Curation Team || Steemcor07

in Steem POD Team2 years ago

Hello! And why don't you supervise users from Russia at all? We write high-quality posts every day, we are members of clubs. And you prefer only 4 countries in curation to Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia and Venezuela. Interesting user support you get...


@f2i5, @samuel20, @juzkid, @marlyncabrera, @mrsokal, @deepak94


 2 years ago 

We are not supporting based on the country. We follow the tags which have been used by users each day. We also curated posts that are according to our theme. We support posts that are according to our rules like we curate posts with at least 300 words, copyright-free images, and plagiarism free. I have seen you use our theme tags in contest posts and contest posts are supported by the steem growth team. I have checked your posts words are less than 300 even less than 250 words. Please make a post of at least 300 words. If you didn't get support from them. You are free to complain again. If you use only one tag which is related to your post that would increase your chance to get support from us. Thank you and we will try to support users from Russia in the coming weeks.

hello dear @ashkhan , i would also like as you say it "to complain". The members of your team don't check correctly the club status of participants. I personally was told that I had no Power Up last month and that I am not club75 though it is wrong. I even attached the screenshots of my power up but still the post wasn't voted. I ask the members of the team to be more attentive. As @strawberrry has already told Russian-speaking users don't often get your support and it is much more unfair that posts of club75 are not upvoted even after proving my status. thank you. Here is the link to my discussion with one of your team members:

 2 years ago 

Hi dear,

I hope you are well and appreciate your efforts for Russian users. I have seen these comments already and you are human beings we can do mistakes sometimes. My team member already admitted that mistake. I have seen posts from Russian users and curated them in the last week. We have to curate only 20 to 25 posts daily and we follow the tags not curated country-wise. I will try to support users from Russia in the coming weeks. I hope you will understand. Thank you for taking my attention to this matter. I hope you will get support from other community curators too. Because I have seen that strawberrry also do not get support through other teams as well even she is continuously using respective team tags.

Thank you very much for the answer! We will put the right tags!

hello @strawberrry, thanks for knocking us. first of all, we appreciate your contribution from Russia. you are doing good. But always, we follow our curation rules. Secondly, We are not curating countrywise but we curate on our tags and guidelines. We have curated posts from 14 countries in 1st-week Russia was also in that, and in 2nd week, we curated posts from 13 countries. So we don't vote for only four countries.

yes, most of the votes go for 4 or 5 countries may be because they are posting more than other countries, or maybe it's just a coincidence.

Another thing is we can use only 15% mana in one day. We can support only 20 to 25 posts in a day, it also depends on the publishers club status. But we can see more than 200 posts in a day with lifestyle tags. So we cant support everyone with this tag. (this is not the exact report)

I hope you will understand the situation. thanks for your suggestion, dear, and keep posting quality posts on our tag. we will look for posts from Russia, and we will try our best to curate those posts if we can.

Thank you very much for the detailed explanations, I hope such problems will not happen again!

Hi, @strawberry. I get your point. Know that users from the countries you mention are posting a lot and using the tags we follow. And yet we understand and respect your concern. Hope more users from Russia start using the tags :)

Thank you very much

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