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RE: Weekly Curation Report by Team Millionaire - Week 4 April 2023

in Steem POD Teamlast year

I totally agree that fake accounts are bad. This is fraud. And I understand that you are doing a very necessary job. But in this case, it is difficult to prove that the account is fake. If a person follows the path of fraud, then she is looking for easy money. Nadia, on the contrary, worked diligently. And this surprises me.

Please understand me correctly, I am in no way defending fraudsters. In this case, we do not have irrefutable evidence that this is a fraud. Why did she not want to confirm her identity? Unfortunately, we probably won't get an answer to this question. Are there cases when a person does not want to contact other people due to family circumstances, some appearance defects, disability? Apparently, this happens. I don't know, there are many questions, many unclear things.

 last year 

Saya tidak setuju dengan pernyataan Anda di atas tentang Nadia, karena Anda dari negara lain yang tidak mengerti sepenuhnya bagaimana geografis, kultur dan interaksi sosial di negera kami. Ada steemian yang tidak ingin memperlihatkan wajahnya karena menggunakan burqa atau cadar, tapi mereka tidak segan untuk bertemu dengan kami. Dan ada juga Steemian yang cacat tapi dia menyempatkan waktu untuk hadir di acara meet up.

Kalau alasan keluarga, saya pernah menawarkan diri untuk berkunjung ke rumahnya tapi tidak mendapatkan respon. Padahal jarak rumah saya dengan tempat tinggalnya hanya sekitar 10 menit. Bagi kami di Indonesia, saling mengunjungi satu sama lainnya walaupun tidak memiliki ikatan persaudaraan adalah hal biasa dan wajar. Kami tidak pernah memandang fisik, status sosial dan lainnya dalam menjalani komunikasi dan pertemanan.

Bek bangai


 last year 

Thank you, I agree with you. I am from another country and cannot understand the situation as you do. What you wrote really looks suspicious, because neighbors usually don't mind meeting each other.

 last year 

Thank you for your understanding

 last year 

I'm not too hopeful with the status of the account. Sustainability of the community due to the work of many moderators that I want at this time.

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