Weekly Curation Report by Team Millionaire - Week 4 April 2023steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem POD Teamlast year


Hello Steemit Team! This week I had the honor of presenting the team report.

This week we managed to support 1 more post than last week. Thus, the number of posts supported by our team has been continuously increasing for the third week in a row. I hope this shows that more and more authors are operating within the requirements that qualify them to receive support from the Steemit team.

Below is a summary of the curation work done from April 19 to 25, where you can see the number of posts supported per day, the various nationalities and communities that were supported, as well as the balance of each of the team members.

During the period from 19/04/2023 to 25/04/2023, we managed to visit all active contests on the platform, among them we supported 158 publications and 37 good quality comments. Below is a table of supported publications according to the club to which the author belongs.


Now we show the summary of the support that was destined according to content tag, being logically #contest the most used hashtag, followed by #steemexclusive.

The following tables show the different nationalities supported during the week. A total of 21 countries were involved in publications aimed at contests and participations.

To wrap up our roundup of curation, we're featuring the 33 communities we've supported this week below. In these communities, we've curated good contests, as well as good posts related to contest winners.


The feedback of our curators

@o1eh 19/04/2023

This is the second month in a row that my curation day falls on a Wednesday. This has its advantages, as most of the contests published on Wednesday are already well known to me. This makes work easier and faster. However, not many contests were published this Wednesday, so I had the opportunity to search for underrated posts that became contest winners.

In total, I upvoted 8 posts whose authors are in #club5050, 3 posts whose authors are in #club75 and 9 posts whose authors are in #club100. I also upvoted 2 comments.

@disconnect 20/04/2023

Another positive day where I have curated 23 contests posts, this week I supported several winning entries which were not supported by any SC account or booming. There were really good entries. I was happy to see the participation. However, I omitted some winner announcements that did not show depth or had a very low engagement. In general, I feel to call a successful contest there should be at least 05 participants or more. If the contest organizers fail to attract that benchmark, then they have to rethink about continuing the same contest for another go.

@kouba01 21/04/2023

The date of April 21, 2023 was the first day granted to me within the Millionaire Team to carry out my curation task on the competitions organized on the Steemit platform, as well as to upvote the best entries having won the prizes of these competitions.
Compared to last week, we saw a slight increase in upvoted entries, to 28, but without any upvoted comments, of which newly created contests made up only around 17%, and the rest were entries that won the competitions. We also skipped about 7 posts for several reasons, the biggest of which is not having club status or going past the voting deadline, as is known, within seven days. Of course, some contests organized by our team members have also been skipped, as the laws prevent us from voting for them.

In some club membership statistics, we voted for 12 posts belonging to club5050, 6 posts related to club75 and 9 posts related to club100 and were voted 30%, 40% and 50% respectively, adding 5% for posts participating in burnsteem25.

@adeljose 22/04/2023

It has been a positive day because I could find good contests that are attracting the attention of users and therefore there is a high probability that you can see a good participation, I also had the pleasure to support the winners of the contests that were published on this day.

@nadiaturrina 23/04/2023

I've been curating for the fourth week of the month. And it is a very valuable opportunity for me. I curated with heart and love. I am satisfied with the curation that I have done. I hereby assist the contest organizer. The contest can improve the quality of content in Steemit. The team consists of great and committed Steemians. I learned a lot from them. And it is an opportunity for me to continue to learn from them.

I curated with love and hearth. I feel more flexible in using curated accounts. And I've adapted to Team rules. On Sunday, April 23, 2023, via my Steemcurator03 account, I voted on 23 posts, consisting of 7 contest posts, a post of mine, and 15 contest winner posts. I've also voted on 11 quality comments that match the theme of the post.

@kouba01 24/04/2023

I am submitting my second feedback as part of the fourth week of April 2023 of my curation work with the Millionaire team, as this week has seen a remarkable decrease in the number of posts that have been curated, to 19 articles which were voted on, against 28 articles last Friday, a decrease of 33%. On the other hand, we will have an increase for the comments, we found 6 worthy comments that we rewarded. On the other hand, the number of skipped articles decreased to 8, mainly because we had contests with repetitive content without any changes, or we found contests organized by our team members, on which the rules prevent us from voting.

In some statistics related to club membership, we have seen a drastic change in the numbers, to find 9 items belonging to club5050 compared to 14 items last week, and 5 items related to club75 and 5 items related to club100 and have were voted 30%, 40% and 50%, respectively.

@franyeligonzalez 25/04/2023

Hello Steemit friends, we are already in the 4th week of our work. On my Tuesday day I could only vote 26 quality posts, I had 16 contest winning posts and 10 contests with great dynamics. Not bad in my opinion, we are within normal for our team.

Most of the posts were from #club5050. I was also able to vote 10 quality comments, comments made in different contests.

I consider that this week was a bit low in the creation of contests, however we were able to vote for many quality dynamics. I hope for the best for the next month of May and to be able to continue providing support to users, moderators and communities. Thanks again for the opportunity.


Individual Summary

The following table summarizes the individual management of each team member, showing the number of posts and comments that were supported, as well as the number of users, nationality and communities that were visited.




As requested by the Steemit team, we present the 7 publications of the week, which were considered for the quality of their content and presentation.

Top 7 Selected Publications Of The Week


The article: Link
The author: @steemdoctor1
Club status: #club100
Chosen by: @o1eh


First of all, I liked this competition because of the well-chosen topic. It is difficult to overestimate the damage caused by drugs to humanity. Drug addiction is a tragedy and a great danger, especially for young people. The competition raises a very relevant question and forces you to think once again about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from this terrible scourge.

The contest received feedback from the community, as 18 participants took part in it. This is a significant number, so it can be considered successful.


The article: Link
The author: @aaliarubab
Club status: #club100
Chosen by: @disconnect


The Diary Game has been an attractive concept for many users. I used to read many diaries when I joined the platform. It's a fantastic way to connect with other users and learn about their daily experiences. However, some users may have doubts about what benefits they can gain through the diary game. In this contest from @aaliarubab, users can review about what they think about diary games and what are the ways to enhance their own diaries. I hope it will be a very engaging contest.


The article: Link
The author: @irawandedy
Club status: #club100
Chosen by: @kouba01


If you want to change the world.. start with yourself! This is a saying that I respect and try to apply when I am disturbed by a phenomenon in my society or in the world. In this competition, this practice is devoted by raising the issue of global warming in the earth and highlighting its danger to humanity. Therefore, the writer calls on users to submit individual initiatives to preserve our land and why we do not learn from each other And reduce this dangerous phenomenon.


The article: Link
The author: @goodybest
Club status: #club75
Chosen by: @adeljose


Every food contest manages to capture a good participation, even more so when it is about traditional local dishes, although my selection has only received "for now" one participation, it will surely receive more because it is a good theme where everyone can dabble. The best publications will be promoted with Booming votes, and also prizes in SP. In short, all the elements are present in this contest to have a successful participation.


The article: Link
The author: @artist1111
Club status: #club100
Chosen by: @nadiaturrina


It is a good contest idea. This contest will open our horizons about the celebration of Eid al-Fitr in various countries around the world.

The Contest Organizer has a special hashtag that refers to the contest, so the organizer can easily find participating posts, clear contest rules, and prizes to distribute. And most importantly, the organizers of the competition pay attention to the authenticity of the participant's posts.


The article: Link
The author: @simonnwigwe
Club status: #club100
Chosen by: @kouba01


I believe that becoming one of the big whales on the Steemit platform is the dream of all users in this competition. The writer would like to know what you would do if you became one of them now, by delegating you an amount of 500k SP. Between dream and reality, distances change as a result of which our choices and aspirations change. Do not waste this opportunity to read what you are thinking of Good luck everyone.


The article: Link
The author: @okere-blessing
Club status: #club100
Chosen by: @franyeligonzalez


Our dear @okere-blessing presents us with an interesting contest that tells us about the importance of commitment, something that many of us have taken on throughout our lives. It is certainly a contest in which users will have a lot to say and many experiences to share with us.

Your contest is very well described, has a good and clear introduction, very well defined rules and good prizes for the participants.

Good job friend, I hope you have many entries in your contest. Greetings!


One member of our team left the platform this week - @nadiaturrina. Now I will say my personal opinion. What I read did not convince me that @nadiaturrina's account was definitely fake. There are different circumstances. Many active authors on Steemit do not want to reveal their identity. Everyone has their own reasons for this. Whoever is behind the @nadiaturrina account, this person has worked honestly for the benefit of the community for a long time. I can only thank her for that. But since the account is currently Power Down, we are not setting @nadiaturrina the beneficiary of this post.

We are at your disposal for any question or comment.

To learn more about our management, please click here.

 last year 

Anda benar teman

Saya pikir siapapun berhak memberikan pendapat secara demokrasi, namun saya memiliki pandangan berbeda dan menurut saya "pendapat pribadi kurang tepat jika di tulis bersamaan dengan laporan tim"

Newcomer community adalah gerbang masuk ke steemit, sebagai penyambut saya di tugaskan pemimpin Newcomer Community untuk memverifikasi akun pendatang baru secara global, di utamakan dari negara saya sendiri melalui foto selfi memegang selembar kertas dengan tulisan tangan

jika banyak akun steemit tidak mau mengungkapkan identitasnya itu sah sah saja, itu artinya pengguna tersebut tidak masuk melalui gerbang steemit dan tidak mengharapkan dukungan, mungkin dia seorang investor di steemit yang memiliki power besar. dia juga tidak pernah melamar sebagai kurator komunitas dan SR bahkan tidak mengikuti aturan #club untuk mendapat dukungan

Jika pengguna steemit diperbolehkan untuk tidak mengungkapkan indentitasnya, Untuk apa Newcomer Community di bentuk? apa tujuan sebenarnya

Menurut pengalaman saya, akun palsu adalah akun yang menggunakan identitas palsu
Salah satu akun palsu yang saya temukan


Postingan asli sebelum di hapus dapat anda cek di https://www.steemcryptic.me/ dengan memasukkan tautan post

Dia menggunakan foto dari instagram. Ketika saya berbicara dengan pemilik instagram ternyata dia tidak mengenal steemit dan membuat saya bingung. seperti inilah pekerjaan greeter di indonesia.

Nah disinilah peran greeter perlu di hargai, sebab Pendatang baru yang bergabung tahun 2020 keatas di wajibkan untuk memperkenalkan diri melalui Program Prestasi Pendatang Baru

Nadia memiliki peran sebagai Steem Representative yang menjadi panutan steemian indonesia kerena kesuksesannya di steemit.
Steem Representative yang telah di tunjuk oleh steemitblog, tentu tidak akan bersembunyi untuk pertumbuhan steem terutama dengan steemian sekelilingnya dan sudah waktunya nadia mengungkapkan identitas sebenarnya

berbeda pendapat adalah hal yang sangat wajar dalam kehidupan ini

 last year 

Yes... I agree with your statement friends. We have to group these users into 2 sections.

  1. As an investor who has no connection whatsoever with the program run by the steemit team
  2. Users who need support from the Steemit Team.

This case has clearly shown his involvement in every program run by the steemit team, then getting support. It is natural to be a figure for other users to contribute to important moments that drive the growth and development of platforms in Indonesia.

If the person concerned doesn't want to contribute, it would be better to become a user, not to get the responsibility as a Representative

 last year 

I totally agree that fake accounts are bad. This is fraud. And I understand that you are doing a very necessary job. But in this case, it is difficult to prove that the account is fake. If a person follows the path of fraud, then she is looking for easy money. Nadia, on the contrary, worked diligently. And this surprises me.

Please understand me correctly, I am in no way defending fraudsters. In this case, we do not have irrefutable evidence that this is a fraud. Why did she not want to confirm her identity? Unfortunately, we probably won't get an answer to this question. Are there cases when a person does not want to contact other people due to family circumstances, some appearance defects, disability? Apparently, this happens. I don't know, there are many questions, many unclear things.

 last year 

Saya tidak setuju dengan pernyataan Anda di atas tentang Nadia, karena Anda dari negara lain yang tidak mengerti sepenuhnya bagaimana geografis, kultur dan interaksi sosial di negera kami. Ada steemian yang tidak ingin memperlihatkan wajahnya karena menggunakan burqa atau cadar, tapi mereka tidak segan untuk bertemu dengan kami. Dan ada juga Steemian yang cacat tapi dia menyempatkan waktu untuk hadir di acara meet up.

Kalau alasan keluarga, saya pernah menawarkan diri untuk berkunjung ke rumahnya tapi tidak mendapatkan respon. Padahal jarak rumah saya dengan tempat tinggalnya hanya sekitar 10 menit. Bagi kami di Indonesia, saling mengunjungi satu sama lainnya walaupun tidak memiliki ikatan persaudaraan adalah hal biasa dan wajar. Kami tidak pernah memandang fisik, status sosial dan lainnya dalam menjalani komunikasi dan pertemanan.

Bek bangai


 last year 

Thank you, I agree with you. I am from another country and cannot understand the situation as you do. What you wrote really looks suspicious, because neighbors usually don't mind meeting each other.

 last year 

Thank you for your understanding

 last year 

I'm not too hopeful with the status of the account. Sustainability of the community due to the work of many moderators that I want at this time.

 last year (edited)

One member of our team left the platform this week - @nadiaturrina. Now I will say my personal opinion. What I read did not convince me that @nadiaturrina's account was definitely fake. There are different circumstances. Many active authors on Steemit do not want to reveal their identity. Everyone has their own reasons for this. Whoever is behind the @nadiaturrina account, this person has worked honestly for the benefit of the community for a long time. I can only thank her for that. But since the account is currently Power Down, we are not setting @nadiaturrina the beneficiary of this post.

This statement is very contradictory to the role of Steem Representative as the vanguard of implementing the policies and rules of the Steemit Team, especially regarding "Achievement1" as an obligation for new users to prevent multiple accounts or farming accounts.

We understand that several independent creative communities in Steemit do not require these rules, especially for those who are classified as investors.

Personal statements should not be included in the team's report, I am worried that this opinion is used as justification in particular by Steemian Indonesia for using someone else's identity which is a serious violation of Indonesian law.

Currently Steem Representative Indonesia is working to prevent this embarrassing incident from happening again.

Often, manipulative people will build emotional closeness so that a close relationship is built between the two. In this case we must put aside friendship and return to the policies and rules of the Steemit Team.

This response is a response to questions from several steemians from Indonesia to me. Your opinion and feedback is very much appreciated. Thank You

 last year 

Yes... you are right, that there are several independent communities that are not oriented towards self-introduction, but the Newcomers Community is a representation of efforts to avoid farmer accounts.

Regardless of who is the figure behind the account, I don't think it's justified because so far he has been a public figure on the platform.

As SR, the real identity will be revealed in the official meeting.

Justifying camouflaging activities is likened to providing fertilizer for plants, but never paying attention to the grass around it, eventually the expected plant dies, the grass thrives without providing long-term benefits.

This is really worrying... Steemian Indonesia and Steem Representatives continue to unite to fight negative activity so that it will prevent the emergence of farmer accounts blindly.

 last year 

I'm sure that you know better, because you are from the same country and know each other much better. But the situation is still strange. I have never seen a fraudster who would work so long and hard. It is not clear why he had to pretend to be someone else. But we will never know anyway.

 last year 

Thank you for a very good report and selection of posts.

 last year 

Thank you very much for your support, we are glad you liked it! 😊

 last year 

Thank you for your support and the opportunity to contribute to the development of the community.

Thanks @kouba01, for selecting my post today. Thanks team million

 last year 

We have you to thank. Each competition is an impetus to the development of the community.

 last year 

Thank you so much dear @o1eh for selecting my contest in the top 7 contests of the week. Again, thanks for the comprehensive report and congratulations to the fellow winners as well.

 last year 

And I want to thank you for a wonderful competition. You see, I believe that the future of Steemit lies in strong thematic communities managed by professionals. For example, a community about health, or a community about science, etc. In such communities, people will find content based on their interests, and professional moderators will be able to competently evaluate the information provided. Therefore, you are very much on the right track.

 last year 

Means a lot friend, I hope that we will be able to organize such more dynamics in future 😊

 last year 

Greetings friend @o1eh

Excellent report, thank you for showing our management in a good way.

 last year 

Thank you @adeljose. This is our joint work :)

Wow,Thank you very much. I will keep doing my best.

 last year 

I wish you success :)

Thank you very much sir. Have a nice day.

 last year 

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for considering my post @adeljose, I didn't expect this I mean this is the first time in history, so I'm a bit overwhelmed. I appreciate you 💕 and your team.

 last year 

I mean this is the first time in history

So, you keep improving your work :) I wish you success!

 last year 

Hola querido amigo, muchas gracias por el buen reporte. Felicidades a todos los seleccionados ❤️

 last year 

All this is our joint work.

 last year 

Thank you very much my dear friend @disconnect for selecting my contest. No doubt diaries have a significant role on this esteemed platform.

Thank you my dear friend @o1eh for this excellent report.

 last year 

And I thank you for your tireless work :)

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