Report as Steem Representative, 11.05.2024

in Steem POD Team2 months ago (edited)

Greetings readers!

If you're wondering what I've been up to for the last week on the platform, I'll tell you that I did what I always do - I had fun. But there are definitely things that I will talk about in more detail.


Most recently, the Steemit team once again made a very good gesture. They donated 100% vote so that I could buy gifts for mothers of children fighting cancer. You can learn more about it here.

Since Mother's Day is tomorrow, I think today is the last day to buy gifts. Therefore, I did not wait until I received rewards for the post, but decided to act now. However, given the current market conditions, I cannot predict what amount I can expect. Will SBDs be printed next Thursday? If so, how many?


With the help of I found out that the post reward is 150 SP. If there is no SBD, then the minimum I can count on is 150 STEEM. I bought gifts today with this amount. If I receive additional SBD, I will make an additional transfer to the fund.

Unfortunately, I didn't understand everything about the ongoing campaign. I thought that when you buy a gift, you are immediately shown to whom it will be addressed. Today I bought 4 gifts, but in all cases I was shown the same message from Dmytryk and his mother Victoria. So I won't be able to tell the Steemit team which of the kids got their gifts. I apologize for that. But I can tell you what gifts were bought thanks to their votes.

So, I bought 4 gifts that will find their recipients tomorrow. Thanks to the Steemit team, the following were acquired:

  • Peaceful sleep for the child and mother (electronic dropper) - UAH 570.
  • Bone protection during chemotherapy (vitamin D) - UAH 160.
  • Week of protection against germs (Medicines will protect a child with vulnerable immunity from infections) - UAH 370.
  • Week of protection against germs (Medicines will protect a child with vulnerable immunity from infections) - UAH 370.

And here are the four emails I received confirming my purchases:


It seems that something good happened today and you and I are involved in it 🙂.

Steem Promotion

At the moment, another paid campaign to promote Steem on Instagram is underway. This time I'm doing it with this reels. I expanded the target audience by adding a few more European countries.

I have an idea to try promotion with Google Adsense. But I still have to think about it.

Other Activities

The rest of my activities are known to you. The only thing I wanted to say is that I was disappointed with the newbies. Again. I came across three promising accounts in the Newcomers' Community, but @the-gorilla investigated that they were all fake 🤷‍♂️. If he will have the time and desire, he may write about it.

Thanks and let's each of us do something for Steem💪.


Just dropping by to quickly add that today I read the thread on your previous post about the suspicious new accounts (this confirms my attitude towards newbies, don't you think 🤔) I must say I was relieved to find out that finally have been taken actions against them and people have stopped trusting such accounts so quickly.
I'm mainly talking about the one who pretended to be Bulgarian. I didn't want to interfere because it could look bad, but I scoured the internet for a person with that name and there isn't one, not to mention it doesn't sound very Bulgarian. I don't know what the problem with her is exactly, but there is definitely a problem. So, my advice is, just be more careful in the beginning.😊

The gesture of the steemcurator is just great! Admirations!

 2 months ago 

this confirms my attitude towards newbies, don't you think 🤔

You were absolutely right. I looked through so many newbies, picked a few of the most interesting ones and they all turned out to be fake. Obviously the most reliable way is when someone brings a friend they know in real life.

Obviously the most reliable way is when someone brings a friend they know in real life.

I beg to differ here. Let the account explore the chain for a while. Let their content speak for them. If they leave the platform earlier, well it's unfortunate but a person with good and sincere content is bound to shine and get noticed. Sooner or later...

Obviously the most reliable way is when someone brings a friend they know in real life.

I tend to agree here with O1eh. The onboarder is some sort of guarantor of the credibility of this account, sort of like a trustee. Unless that onboarder is a fraud and impostor himself.
It seems to me even extremely incredible that a person can easily and quickly navigate such a platform with so many requirements and rules, to make their first post well, to know where to do it, how to do it, what tags to use, without anyone helping them with it, saying: I found steem while researching altcoins on Binance. Doesn't sound plausible to me.
I agree with the rest - the account should make its own way and stay. Unconditional support by all means from the beginning, often leads to the need to remove already given votes and unfollow people. Scammers make fake accounts with stolen identities for this very reason in the first place - the urge to find new people and support from day one (especially beautiful women, this is as corny as it is effective).

I t seems to me even extremely incredible that a person can easily and quickly navigate such a platform with so many requirements and rules, to make their first post well, to know where to do it, how to do it, what tags to use, without anyone helping them with it, saying: I found steem while researching altcoins on Binance. Doesn't sound plausible to me.

Yes, I agree. Even though I was introduced by a well-known Steemian here, Hira, I made a bunch of mistakes, rather blunders. I was thinking the same: how on earth is that person so well-versed with the rules? Then, they tried to lure in the support of well-known mentors. I must say, they played really well. But it was short-lived. Lol.

Unconditional support by all means from the beginning, often leads to the need to remove already given votes and unfollow people.


 2 months ago 

Maybe you're right, but I can't seem to come across any newbies like that lately. Probably the reason for this is the temptation to get SBD, which is why more and more scammers started to come.

Peaceful sleep for the child and mother

Where can I get this? Please tell me. Do they do subscriptions? Is there a father version? I’ll happily pay an annual subscription. I’ll pay anything. I’m begging you 🙏

The amount of desperation!

Why do I have a feeling that you would use this device (or whatever it is) during day hours as well... 😅

 2 months ago 


 2 months ago (edited)

I came across three promising accounts in the Newcomers' Community, but @the-gorilla investigated that they were all fake 🤷‍♂️.

This is so disappointing.

Newbies don't realise this but I believe we are all always so exicted to welcome new talents. I commend your and the-gorilla's efforts to find those authors. I know it's hard seeking pearls amid the shells. It's even more disappointing to know they were fake.

Is it too hard to be genuine, to be you?

Newbies run away if they don't get support in the start. Or they exploit it. I think we should let them run away. Only those who stick through and manage to develop their credibility deserve the support.

 2 months ago 

Is it too hard to be genuine, to be you?

I will probably never understand this.

I think we should let them run away. Only those who stick through and manage to develop their credibility deserve the support.

Good point. Obviously, this approach will be correct.

This is so disappointing.

Yes, but somehow I was ready for it. Steemit is almost never joined by users from Europe. And suddenly one is from Germany, the other is from Austria. Suspicious, although not impossible.

Steemit is rarely joined by users from Europe.

You are right - we rarely see new Europeans and since most of the new lot comes from Venezuela, Nigeria, and South Asia, there's always a great probability of scams from those regions. These two (or who knows that's just one person) must have thought, they would sound more credible if they chose a European nationality. 🙂

 2 months ago (edited)

These two (or who knows that's just one person) must have thought, they would sound more credible if they chose a European nationality. 🙂

I thought about that too 😄. But I don't give up. I wonder if this user will be real 🤔.

UPD: Oh, I see you have already congratulated the newcomer

 2 months ago (edited)

Your resteem made me read that post. It was a decent introduction which made me write a welcome note. I had this incident in my mind and there's a 50/50 chance he's one of them but I sincerely hope he isn't. Only time will tell.

Right now I'm following this strategy.

 2 months ago 

'Prioritize learning and knowledge and money will continue to flow. The easiest way to earn money is to be a constant learner.'

-Wilson's Law

I agree with you. It's better to just sit back and watch these abusers leave this platform when they get tired of not getting any support in the initial period

 2 months ago (edited)

I think we should only be mindful of votes but try to interact with newbies as much as we can. The deserving one will value the interaction and the rest will feel impatient and eventually leave, because to them $$ matter more than connections.

You have done a very big and good job !!!
Low bow and incredible respect. A person can change everything he wants - the main thing is that there is a true desire.
I believe in karma, so I think that your act - will definitely turn the good for you and your family !!!

Ви зробили дуже велику та добру справу!!!
Низький Вам уклін та неймовірний респект. Конжна людина може змінити все, що хоче - головне щоб було справжнє бажання.
Я вірю в карму, тому вважаю що Ваш вчинок - однозначно обернеться добром і для Вас та Вашої родини!!!

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