Weekly report as COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE FOR COLOMBIA - (Sept 08 to Sept 15)

in Steem POD Team3 years ago (edited)

Created by @luisx in canva app

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Greetings to all ❤

The first part of my report I will dedicate to explain my work as @nahela and the second part to detail the work of the Colombian community (Colombia-Original) in which I am a founder.

I have assisted in the correction, verification and validation of the # 1 achievement in the community of newcomers, as well as I have helped update the data of the newcomers. I share the reports made together with the list of achievements cures with the account @steemcurator03.


I have worked on the curation process with the @steemcurator05 account to support the #thediarygame and #betterlife participants.


As a country representative, one of my duties is to promote steemit and my "colombia-original" community, so I created the second edition of "promote and win".


As you know, the crypto-academy began with its fourth season, so prepare a publication for the users of "Colombia-Original", in this publication I invite you to be part of the crypto-academy.


Activities carried out during the week in Colombia-Original:

Create informative and supportive content for the community.

Review, comment and correct a large part of the community post.

I voted with my personal account with 20-30% of my voting power, all the votes were given to possible publications within the community.

Review and comment on user participation in community contests.

Select the posts that meet the requirements to be supported by the boom accounts.

Support and guide users in carrying out their delegations, verifications and participation in contests.

Solve doubts, concerns through WhatsApp and Discord.

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✔ As I mentioned in the previous report, form a community called: Colombia-Original, this was created on 05/15/21. Currently the community has 1152 subscribers, I want to highlight that in this community we work hard to maintain a constant and fluid interaction between users and moderators. As you can see, there is a 28% active post with respect to the number of users. Excellent percentage!


Within this community I created a post called "TOP 5: Post of the week" which seeks to encourage and help users to continue creating original content, these publications are currently being supported by the boom accounts.

Top 5 de tu comunidad Colombia-Original / 08-09-2021 by @colombiaoriginalLink
Top 5 de tu comunidad Colombia-Original / 09-09-2021 by @colombiaoriginalLink
Top 5 de tu comunidad Colombia-Original / 10-09-2021 by @colombiaoriginalLink
Top 5 de tu comunidad Colombia-Original / 13-09-2021 by @colombiaoriginalLink
Top 5 de tu comunidad Colombia-Original / 14-09-2021 by @colombiaoriginalLink
Top 5 de tu comunidad Colombia-Original / 15-09-2021 by @colombiaoriginalLink

In this community we have created 4 weekly contest 🎉, here I share them.

  • Highlighting the weekly community initiative, which we call ORIGINAL POWER UP CHALLENGE, let's go for our fourth week.


  • A contest to analyze ourselves as people.


  • We also bring a different contest, in which we can learn about a great tool which is DeFi.


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As well as 5 post with important information for our community.



Nueva meta lograda: 10mil STEEMPOWER (PowerUp de 736 STEEM)




Para el crecimiento de TODOS - Nueva iniciativa y Actualización


Sub Proyecto "SEMILLAS DE FE" - Primera parte del PROYECTO SER HUMANO 🙏


Finally I share the votes given this last week, I always try to support the users as much as possible.

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If you want to read my previous report as a representative of the country, I will share it here.

Weekly report as COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE FOR COLOMBIA - Sept 01 to Sept 07- 😁🎉1000 users in Colombia-Original 😁🎉

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I am once again grateful for the opportunity provided by the @steemitblog @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 @steemcurator03 and @steemcurator05 team, to continue helping and adding users to this wonderful platform, I feel very happy for the progress made in this week.


@nahela (Country Representative for Colombia) - Medellín - Colombia.
Discord: nahela#9211

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Excelente reporte de todo el trabajo realizado, ha sido un trabajo muy duro pero ha valido la pena porque día a día se ve como la comunidad de #colombia-original ha ido en crecimiento. Gracias por el apoyo y recomendaciónes que nos has brindado y que nos permiten seguir adelante dando más de nosotros. Un abrazo

Excelente trabajo @nahela.

Amiga esta haciendo el trabajo como es porque en poco mese que tiene de fundada,colombia-original a tenido un crecimiento increible te felicito eres mi ejemplo a segur.

Te felicito nahela por tu trabajo la verdad es que lo haces muy bien.

Me costa que realizas un arduo trabajo.
Gracias por llevarnos de la mano en todas estas actividades.
Mil bendiciones

Cada día les mando Bendiciones por tan excelente trabajo que realizan. Algún día me gustaría pertenecer a ese gran equipo de trabajo. Me estoy preparando para eso. Bendiciones y éxitos.

Extraordinario informe y trabajo realizado, siempre brindándonos una mano amiga, con tus ayuda, apoyo y buenos comentarios de motivación, que continúen los éxitos y las bendiciones. Felicitaciones por tu dedicación, organización y humanidad, siempre buscando el bienestar de todos. 🤗🙏

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