Week 2 Curation Report | Finance, Business and Crypto Curation Team| @steemcurator05

in Steem POD Team2 years ago

week2 curation.PNG

Hello all steemians,

This week our group has had a hard time, after leaving two of our members who have done so much to the group, but serious mistakes remain unforgivable until we remain equal before the rules and laws. We can only thank them and urge them to learn from their errors to make up for what happened.

We also always remind all users to add the #fbcrypto team canonical tag for easy access to their articles.

Although we have found some good articles, we will choose after 7 of them, but first of all we will give some statistics regarding this working week, wishing everyone a good read.

Finally, before moving on to the statistics, I assure you that all your requests to join my team are all being studied, and the two members who will join us will be announced soon.


Number of curated, plagiarized and skipped articles per day:

checked post.PNG

Number of posts per Club Status

per status.PNG

Number of posts per Language

per language.PNG


The observations of our curators after 2 weeks of work within our curation team:


Today I found some posts that aren’t participating in #club5050, and others were of low quality. There aren’t enough good-quality posts to choose from.


I have been able to curate a lot of great articles today, predominantly won by the business section. The users have put in great effort to deliver awesome articles, that said, some were skipped because unknowingly they are no longer in a certain club status while some content has been shared on other platforms. I will advise that users should always give a tolerance while powering up, if it's made strictly on 50:50, they might fall out of a club even when they thought they are still in, also users should make sure they are producing only #steemexclusive content.

Our tags can be said to be clean today, I didn't have any record of self-plagiarism as recorded in the previous day. That said, some users are writing what is called an economic diary, not all articles under this category actually embarked on a business trip but shopping for personal needs for refreshment purposes. I will suggest users should only include the business/finance tag provided they have stepped out to get their products sold or get materials for their business.


There are some works submitted under the hashtag #fbcrypto whose content is irrelevant to the fields we are interested in.
Some users republish their old articles, although this is not a literary copy, but it cannot be voted on to encourage modern and renewable works .

The last day of the second week of curation was marked by the participation of a respectable number of users, and if many of them were upvoted on, others were skipped for several reasons, the most important of which is not joining any club ( #club5050, #club75, #club100) or not belonging to the content of our areas of interests, which we mention business, finance and crypto.


The 7 best articles selected

The article : Link
The author:@yrmaleza
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:


I've selected this post because it contains the three ideas by which you can talk to your children about finances, money, and savings. The theme of this content is very educative.

The article : Link
The author:@f2i5
Club status: #club100
Chosen by:@nane15


A contest with an interesting and fun theme, it helps users by bringing energy to them and giving ideas to socialize, also the idea of the contest about unique merchants in the spread all over the earth helps us all to take a look at each other face of the world.

The article : Link
The author:@merci26
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@pelon53


I chose this post because it complies with the rules and explained the step by step procedure of how to exchange USDT for FIAT currencies on the Binance platform.

The article : Link
The author:@yenbel
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@kouba01


The author of the article talked about studying for her life project, because it was her childhood dream, she was able to obtain a certificate of competence in the field of commercial pastry, while waiting for the opening of his own project. All the material and moral support of our team to get what you want.

The article : Link
The author:@aafadjar
Club status: #club75
Chosen by:@fredquantum


With the current downtrend situation in the crypto market, this user has written on how investors shouldn't allow fear to grip them to sell off their STEEM and other assets (general investments) rather see this as an opportunity to buy more of STEEM. He analyzed how STEEM has been able to maintain a minimum drop as compared to other crypto assets during this downtrend period. He added that not many would be buoyant enough to buy more Steem and advised those ones can continually power up their rewards. Overall, it's an informative piece.

The article : Link
The author:@doriscermeno27
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@fredquantum


Despite the ups and downs, this teacher of 15 years in service has been able to do well for herself and the entire family. She realized the salary from her teaching job cannot effectively care for the needs of her family so she ventured into the confectionery world which gives birth to another source of income for her. She's surprised she was able to achieve a lot even though she didn't know she can do that initially. It's an inspiring piece from a courageous woman.

The article : Link
The author:@oscarcc89
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@kouba01


Article presenting a magazine titled Steem Business Magazine in an elegant suit, it presents professionally the most important publications in which users ensure their activities and commercial projects to exchange experiences and develop ideas among individuals while motivating them with financial prizes.

Best Regards,
Our Curation Team
@kouba01 - #club100
@Shemul21 - #club100
@pelon53 - #club100
@fredquantum - #club75
@nane15 - #club75




 2 years ago 

Gran trabajo! Seguiremos avanzando

Oh qué honor... Muchas gracias por seleccionar mi post. Un abrazo, equipo

Thanks to your team for coming out with this wonderful and great report. I wish your team all success.

I feel honored. Thank you

 2 years ago (edited)

It can be challanging working with just five people in the team, hopefully, you will have a replacement for the two resigned curators.

I must commend you for your hard work and your team, you all did great.


I have included this report in my weekly curator's activities publication : Activities Showcase: [03.03.2022] Third Week Update Of Team And Curators Report Activities.

Saya mengucapkan terimakasih atas apresiasinya.. InsyaAllah, saya akan terus belajar agar dapat menghasilkan karya yang lebih baik diwaktu yang akan datang.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for giving a detailed piece on the team's curation activities throughout the previous week. Well done, @kouba01.

woooow you must be very happy today to have full support from Mr. steemcurator01. Congratulations

Yupiiii que honor agradecida por todo el apoyo y por tomar en cuenta mi post, seguiré< dando día a día lo mejor de mi para todos ustedes.

 2 years ago 

Dear Professor @kouba01, my 1st trade post is not still reviewed and it is going to expire in few hours. Please have a look.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 64156.67
ETH 3169.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53