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RE: Weekly Curation Report by Team 4: X-Woman- First Week June 2024

It is doubly surprising that you noticed the verse, dear @inspiracion, although it is in Ukrainian. Thank you for being so attentive.

A fragment of this verse was included in the film "Interstellar" (that moment when the hero is pulled into the event horizon of a black hole, and his death seems almost inevitable). I first heard this verse in Russian and since then I wanted to translate it into my native Ukrainian, because a decent translation into Ukrainian still did not exist. It was not possible to translate beautifully in past years, but it happened this week literally "in one breath", after I made the decision to go to the front and began to mentally prepare myself for (probable) death.

The first unit to which I applied (the drone army) had already refused me, due to my health condition, and at the same time my attitude still remained with me and I would look for another army unit where my intellectual resource could be useful. I also hope that my contact with literature and music will still take place even when I end up in the army. The feeling that perhaps there is not much time left to live also intensifies the desire to do something / leave something behind (such as a poem or a song).

 last month 

Yes, I like to try to understand the author, and I was watching your blog, in addition to your writing, I even went to YouTube to try to verify for myself that you were the same person who was reciting that beautiful poem. I will tell you that I love the emotion that you managed to express, I don't understand the Ukrainian language, but I do understand the sounds that the voice transmits...

The message of showing your face is beautiful, of stopping simply resigning, fighting in the face of what seems imminent.

All of us who have gone through situations that seem very difficult are tempted to give up, but we regain our strength if we know that we have even a chance of doing "something."

I really wish that you maintain this spirit and your strength, and that you remain equanimous with your desires, it is the dreams and desires and illusions that keep us alive and not just surviving, and in that art, music, literature plays. a great role, our way of looking and feeling.

By the way, I love the movie Interstellar, I have seen it like 4 times, it is full of so many meanings, there is even great content in the choice of music that Hans Zimmer made especially, it is simply an extraordinary movie...

I congratulate you and wish you all the best, continue forward, you are an inspiration for many.😊🌸

Thank you for so many kind words. Your comment is more detailed and interesting than some authors’ main posts) I'll try to finish some urgent work and then come back and look at your blog main posts (interesting what you write about).

Perhaps I'll make you laugh with this simple revelation: I have a tradition of rewatching "Interstellar" every year, in August (why in August? It just happened sporadically. I once watched it in August, and since then it's been at least a year to allow yourself to re-watch this favorite film). For some time I was expecting a continuation, because the ending was left open. But 10 years have already passed, and we should probably accept that we won’t see a continuation.

I wish you a good day and love. No matter what events happen in the world, we see that life does not stop, and people continue to love.

It my pleasure to be recognized by you, thank you very much

 last month 

As a newbies, you have learned so fast

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