My introductory post in this community //by @yuliadi

in Business Activity2 years ago


Hi steemian friends

How are you all? Today I will introduce myself to this great community.

As the saying goes = don't know then don't love

Therefore, I feel that introducing someone to someone is very important, I dare say hello to you because I already know you!
And today I greet all members of the #businessactivity community

this is my photo

Hello everyone how are you guys..?
I think this is a very good start😁

My name is YULIADI, I am often called ADI and some call the minister, it's not a problem for me as long as he recognizes me.
My steemit account name is @yuliadi I often use my real name on social media accounts because names like mine are very rare every time I register anywhere there is no notification this name already has a user 😅 yes!! I'm the only 1
I am 35 years old, I am still very young to be invited on a date/friend.

I work as a health nurse, and I work at the puskesmas where I live


After coming home from work, I also opened a privately owned health service business, here I serve all patients who will seek treatment by paying for services. I've been doing this business for a long time, starting from 2010

this is my place of business

I pursue this business because this business is in accordance with my profession, here I make a tariff for patients who will seek treatment according to the diagnosis experienced by the patient, in terms of taking the rate I also measure the community's economy so I set a rate that can be reached by the community poor.
The following is a table of treatment rates:

Febrile feverRP40,000
G ERP30,000
Chronic diseaseRP100,000
Acute illnessRP50,000

Besides that, I also serve blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid checks at different rates
The following table checks and rates

uric acidRP15,000
Blood SugarRP15,000

I open this health service from 15-00WIB to 22-30WIB every day.

marital status
I have one legal wife and we were a couple of two lovebirds in the past, and we have been married for 10 years in our marriage we were blessed with a beautiful daughter.

This is a photo of me with my wife

Until now we are still living together wading through the ark of the household, we love each other, love, and cherish.
Very sweet...!!!


Today I have introduced myself in this large community, with the hope that I can be well received in this community, and can lead me to the point of success on the steemit platform.

sorry for all the shortcomings and mistakes🙏



About me

 2 years ago 

Selamat bergabung di business community,saya senang anda bergabung disini,salam untuk anda dan tuliskan postingan menarik pada jenis usaha dan bisnis anda

 2 years ago 

thank you for your welcome friend

 2 years ago 

write a post for the percentage of your business and business, so that it is verified to be one of the entrepreneurs in this community

 2 years ago 

You are warmly welcome to the community

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much, I'm very happy

 2 years ago 

I hope you can join Discord and make the requests in this post. @yuliadi

Join Discord and contact me in DM.



 2 years ago 

Assalamualaikum @yuliadi is happy to welcome your presence in the community.

We are very happy to hear information about your business it would be nice if we could see and get to know better about your business for example what is your business name? business address and also you can prepare a logo.

Reasons us so that close and distant steemian can get to know you further and can take advantage of your services and come to him if needed at any time.

We look forward to your next commercial and improve the title of self-introduction with your presentation we hope you respond.

You can use this table according to the suggested rules.


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