@sportfit.shop | We offer quality for your workouts - Resistance rope 150 Lbs / 15% of Rewards go to @businessactivity #club5050

in Business Activity3 years ago

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Sportfit shop always thinking about how to approach its customers, works on solutions and visualization strategies, and these are carried out in acquisition and purchase.

How do we achieve this? Products, articles and accessories all play an important role for those who are passionate about sports, each piece is essential for those who are in the sports world environment to find what best meets their needs.

For us as a company it is necessary not only to show an image, it is to make the product visible in the number of customers who are interested in what we want to sell.

The resistance ropes are a useful resource for training, due to their versatility the contribution that these ropes generate make them even more interesting.

Business has of interest must be studied to know how to offer it to the public, we must work according to the client and their needs in reference to Fitness.

A happy client always returns to his sports house, we are an ally for training from the simplest to the most complex, it is what makes these ropes so sought after in the world.

In terms of training at home, gym or outdoors, resistance ropes are ideal, you can apply force, work freely, there are many options and all with a training equipment.

How to offer a product?

To properly play the role of sales, and these are increased, you have to know how to attract the customer to observe and be interested.

Our ropes have unique colors these colors and these accessories they contain should be highlighted.

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Our mission is to expand, it is to seek the possibilities of publicizing our business and that through recommendations from users who have already acquired with us others are interested.

But how to do it? We must make our images look perfect, Gentlemen we are talking about articles that are to improve physical appearance, and extra gifts that make the customer happy.

When showing the product in an image, we must focus on our sports pieces, in which the image and what is shown meet the requirements of: "This is what I need", is what a client would say, because they like it.

It is for the client to notice and be concentrated in the striking of our articles, for their uses, benefits, how to use them and what contributions it brings, because it is what they were looking for and can finally acquire it with sportfit.

A set and accessory pieces?

Not only is it a team with 5 training ropes with different resistances, it also has complementary accessories to facilitate training.

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You should not buy them separately, all the pieces come with the string set. You like what you see ?. Then you should not hesitate to acquire the resistance strings.

The use of the handles facilitates the grip, and with these the workouts can be improved in a matter of seconds, in the same way the ankle rings, can improve strength and increase muscle mass, by being in support with the ropes and in increases significant of the ropes to improve more and more when training. Always be cautious without using the ropes with the weight that is still not supported, these are tips that although they seem not to be of interest are of importance to avoid any tear or later annoyance.

Learning to use the training accessories that come with the ropes makes training easier and more fun.

How to change routines and stay in shape?

Varying in training routines is always flattering for everyone, it is what is needed, you cannot maintain the same routines over and over again, because nothing is done, the muscle does not work properly, the body does not perform, changes do not they are noticed.

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For this and many other reasons that you will realize when training with the resistance ropes, is that we offer it so that you do what you like, TRAIN, with distinction, with joy and with varied routines.

Each string is appropriate to be used properly under the specifications of its resistance, from low to high, contributing to the body.

When we show our equipment and accessories, we do it with the incentive to our clients that they trust what is shown; It is a team to train and its quality is amazing. Just as the results that these ropes generate are astonishing.

Tips for use

Resistance ropes are helpful in whatever training you want to use. The idea is to make the training as varied as possible.

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How it can be achieved:

🔸 Some suggestions will be to do arm workouts, which using the door anchor, or bra in a fixed position, the exercises for biceps, triceps work perfectly.

🔸 In the same way, with the same door anchor you can work on abs.

Thinking of the comfort of our clients, the advice for their training is so that they can focus on what they want to achieve.

Benefits of its use

For those who train there are many benefits according to what each client is interested in doing and generating.

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It can be in:

🔸 Weight loss.
🔸 Increase in muscle mass.
🔸 Reaffirm the gluteus.
🔸 Among many others, because each client is different and it is what makes the routines with the ropes demonstrate possible changes.

Characteristics of the strings

To know how to work with the ropes, the client must understand their resistance and what he wants to do as he becomes more familiar with the ropes.

For experienced people it is very easy to know how to work with them and apply the resistance that best suits their needs.

For clients with little experience and who are just starting out in sports training, fitness area, it is important to work from lower to higher intensity, this with the purpose of not incurring injuries that prevent subsequent training.

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Characteristics Set of 5 strings
🔸 Yellow =10 Lbs (4.5kg)🔸 Green =20 Lbs (9.1kg)🔸 Red =30 Lbs (13.7kg)🔸 Blue =40 Lbs (19.2kg)🔸 Black =50 Lbs (22.7kg)

For each training you can use the ropes with the minimum resistance and include, if you want to exert greater force, the increase of the ropes.

Each color a different resistance, from lighter to darker, you can tell the difference when stretching with the strings.

The good thing about these strings is that they are identified, with their minimum and maximum, so that the client can use them quickly.

Cost of resistance ropes 150 Lbs

The Resistance rope at 150 Lbs, are shown at the exchange rate in our local currency, anchored to the value of the dollar for this specific day.

The changes in its monetization will be at the value of $. We work with Bs, Sbd, Steem, Trx, $, and other forms of payment.

25 $
5.389 Sbd
320.688 TRX

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Our equipment is available for national and international shipments, you can purchase with us through Discord and social networks.

Any other equipment, article or accessory that is not shown can be requested order and we will take care of making it arrive without problems.

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Business name:@sportfit.shop
Owner's name:@Cindycam
Business address:Anzoátegui , Venezuela.
About us:Link to presentation

We thank the business community for their support since our inception.


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Hello @sportfit.shop Thank you for being an Active Community member.

We see that your business is increasing with the sample of each of your products, resistant bands and that allows us to be in shape, wherever we are.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing your products with us, we see that your business is doing very well, congratulations

 3 years ago 

hello @sportfit.shop this is a very interesting article on sports equipment that makes it easier for us to do movements while exercising everything looks interesting thank you for your great article

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