@sportfit.shop | Resistance bands the best on the market! 150 Lbs in a Set / 15% of Rewards go to @businessactivity #club5050

in Business Activity3 years ago


As a store we always seek to attract and catch the eye of our customers, through the articles and accessories we offer.

We know that when we show something on social networks this must not only want to be what is needed, it must "be what is required".

For our current and future clients to find that special that characterizes them in our bands, we must demonstrate in images so that when they have it in physical they meet their expectations and fulfill their requirements.

Fabric bands, highly requested, in different colors and shades so that you can have the freedom to choose at will and without limitations, just decide which one best suits each client.

The colors are very important for some and for others they are simply the bands to use, but everything plays a determining role when using them, in terms of:

  • Feel good.
  • Comfort.
  • How much positivity the bands transmit.

Everything we use has an influence on each person; The cloth bands, for each individual too, and it has been shown that it is not only a band, it is the one that makes you give significant and positive changes, to the state of mind and to the physical change, all in a single band.

Have you imagined it? But training is not just a whim, it is well-being in every sense and at Sportfit shop we want to contribute to its improvement.

Resistance bands perfect for you

The vast majority of customers are inclined towards trends and fashion, in this case we as a store can offer it, but more than that, what we offer is quality, we study the feasibility and the help that this article or accessory will allow. Will be of help and for this reason is that we have it in existence.

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We like to please, of course we do, but our entire commitment is that the client trains, exercises and helps himself to improve health and in what he seeks for full satisfaction.

The fabric bands, in a set of three resistors, are suitable for men and women, the colors are very varied. In this opportunity we promote the multicolored bands, they adapt to the client and the client to them.

It is a matter of a wise decision between improving physical appearance, with encouraging results in health and a better lifestyle and habits, where bands for varied training are the best option.

So why are they perfect for you? Just thinking that you can train in many ways without performing the same routines over and over again makes them special to acquire.

Today's workouts are potential, they are about strength, endurance, and the 150 Lbs. abndas have what is sought and that is demonstrated with facts, in activities and in the results of an embellished and sculpted body.

What workouts are they used in?

Absolutely all exercises, because the versatile bands are at your disposal, with their three levels in different intensities to train from less to greater difficulty.

To know in depth what you want to do with the bands, ask yourself what you want to improve and how you should and can do it.

Evaluate your training routines during the week, with a list, and intersperse arms, buttocks, legs, abdomen, what is necessary to vary the training with the resistance bands.

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It is necessary to remember that these bands can also be used with added weight, with bars, for stationary lunge, for example, buttocks with discs, among others.

The important thing is to vary the routines, because doing the same workouts without variation in the training does not generate changes.

What the client wants and needs are changes with each training and with the resistance bands they can be obtained.

Still can't make up your mind?

We have shared a lot of relevant information about this type of bands, which can help you decide on their benefits, uses, jobs, everything and how much more you need to know, because we are in Steemit to address issues in depth, the necessary, information that you require to obtain the resistance bands.

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Learn more about this article in our publications:

💪 Train for your well-being - Resistance bands 150 Lbs [Unmissable purchase]
💪 Which resistance band do you need? Identify yourself and promote your own style while you exercise
💪 Multicolor bands 150 Lbs - Train with distinction and you will undoubtedly be the sensation!

The more information the better it will be for you, dear client, to know what we offer and decide without fear of change and the best lifestyle.

Characteristics of the bands 150 Lbs

To train without complications, but always thinking that the limitations can only be put by the person, these bands help to break with everything that was believed that could not be done, because with the 150 Lbs resistance bands you can train in the way whatever want, with and without weight, the best thing is that you will always get results.

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Bands 150 Lbs
💪 Light = 60 Lbs💪 Medium = 90 Lbs💪 Heavy = 150 Lbs

They are perfect, because there is no confusion to use them, that is, the bands are marked with the level of resistance, but just by placing one you already feel which is the lightest or the strongest.

Bands benefits

Using the resistance bands becomes the best in training and sporting goods uses.

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Benefits 150 Lbs
It helps the health condition, in terms of required exercises.It allows you to gradually control the movements.
Helps to increase muscle mass.They are powerful for size reduction.
Workouts can increase resistance to wearing them.You work on strength.

Much to learn and so much to enrich knowledge and improve health and appearance.

Band costs

For this advertising the cost shown is equivalent to the value of our local currency, anchored to the dollar.

25 $
4.464 Sbd
46.335 Steem

We are available from Monday to Monday, you can contact us through Discord or through any of our social networks and website.

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Business name:@sportfit.shop
Owner's name:@Cindycam
Business address:Anzoátegui , Venezuela.
About us:Link to presentation

We greatly appreciate the community for allowing us to advance our business.


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 3 years ago 

Greetings friend, excellent your publication, since you explain in a very attractive and clear way the use of the bands, which brings an immense amount of benefits for physical health.

 3 years ago 

We really like your article, such a valuable offer, thank you for the usage information, which is explained in detail, we are sure @sportfit.shop will be more famous, good luck with your business

Their products are extraordinary to help their clients to stay in shape, with specifications and details of their use they can achieve to acquire the one that best suits them.

Congratulations thank you for being an active member of the community.

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