@sportfit.shop | Getting closer to fitness customers - winners of our social media contest/ 15% of Rewards go to @businessactivity

in Business Activity3 years ago

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Sportfit shop has great plans of business, one of its motivations is always to be able to be an ally of the client that this client feels comfortable and with better than we as a company can provide them.

In the participation of a contest in the development and execution of strategies, in which we participate, we make it clear that one of the strategies in our INSTAGRAM account focuses on a contest, in which our clients would obtain two prizes, with Bands of 40Lbs resistors, in color blue.

After the participation and announcement in this community on 29-09-21, we continue to monitor our account because we must serve customers both for the active contest and for our other products for sale.

The audience, follow-up, participants and comments were immediate, our account met expectations and we achieved a good position of participants.

Contest monitoring

As previously disclosed, we have 159 messages and 79 likes by the date of publication, this continued to increase and our company is truly grateful for the trust that the users who follow our Instagram account have had for the business.

Increase in participation 30-09-21

This increased for a number of messages of participation in 278 and in I like 91, which makes this motivate us much more to continue in these strategies so beneficial for the business.

Description of the rules and participation messages
Number of likes for the date mentioned
278 participatory messages
Like 91

Statistics increased

The increase was really good, the acceptance by users of the social network where the contest for the increase of our business was held was quite receptive.

We were previously with 5% of accounts that did not follow our account, currently it increased with good progress, which is now the most follow-up with 7%. With visits to our profile of 39 views.

Totally successful this promotional contest, there are many strategies, but this it caused an impression.

Carrying out two prizes in a single contest, brought a lot of movement to the virtual account.

Final day of the Resistance Bands contest

By the 01-10-21 date the number of participants had increased before closing the contest, both in likes and in participation.

330 participatory messages - 96 Like

Winners Announcement

Deliver to our winners

In contact with our winners, the day after the draw we make the delivery.

Delivery #1

First delivery our winner was not found, but she received another person for her, later she tagged us on Instagram with the bands received.

Our first winner, already showing her bands, sent us messages through whatsapp messaging and tagged us on the social network. Directly notifications are activated.

She was very excited to write to us about the reception of her bands; There were several days of many comments inviting friends to participate and the result was given with a prize.

An image and a gif of unspeakable emocones, because although many may not believe it, winning a prize many times is not easy at all.

Delivery #2

Our second winner, received very happy and shared on her Instagram status.

Our second winner, if she was to receive the award, and she was very happy, we immediately thanked her for having participated, we asked her for a photo and she agreed.

Then I tag us on the social network and as you can see I was very happy.

The happiness of our clients is ours, because they allow us to continue on this path that is undoubtedly not easy, but that brings the reward of value to working with dedication in what you want to achieve.

For our company it is a joy to be part of the lives of clients motivated to a training that we know will benefit their health.

Business name:@sportfit.shop
Owner's name:@Cindycam
Business address:Anzoátegui , Venezuela.
About us:Link to presentation

Thanks to the community for this opportunity where our business has been benefited through the motivation that we are given so that the business is always making new strategies.

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Congratulations to the winners for acquiring these great prizes, we hope your business grows.

 3 years ago 

Congratulations to the winners, congratulations on the prizes, hopefully useful

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