Business Activity |Online Shop Business | Promotion Kids T-shirts Free Embroidered Names For Ages 1-10 Years |10% Set @businessactivity #Club75

in Business Activity2 years ago (edited)


Good night@ all business partners, how are you and your business, I hope everything goes as expected.

Back again to my online shop (Putry Tapas Olshop) which sells various kinds of goods, ranging from clothes, bags, hijabs, watches and other accessories.

For today I will promote children's plain t-shirts free of name embroidery, this t-shirt can be used for boys and girls, for name embroidery you can request as you wish.

For cotton Combat shirt materia the material is soft, not easily wrinkled, breathable, comfortable, neat stitching

For the name on EMBROIDERY Free name embroidery plus embroidery thread color Calligraphy, Connect, Capital and Standard Fonts, for maximum name letters, only accept up to 15 letters.


For complete available colors, you can directly check my fb, if there is no color in the picture, you can directly chat with me to request what color you want, and for names and writing colors you can also request according to your wishes and tastes, don't hesitate to ask because we will serve and provide the best for our customers.

For ordering clothes, it will be ready in a week, because you have to wait for the name creation process, so friends who want to order can directly contact me via Facebook, watshap and Discort pecintabunga20#1413.

Clothing Prices

Clothes Price:35.000/6.5 Steem/4.5 Sbd












Order Terms For Online Customers Outside the Region

Online order conditions must transfer money first before I send the goods according to your order, and for shipping costs that are still within the aceh area, it's enough IDR 13,000/0.130 Sbd, for shipping costs outside aceh according to the location, and for those who live close by, you can pay when you pick up the goods


For payment of goods I accept all payments via, Idr, Steem and Sbd.

My address

Address : Keutapang Village
District : Tanah Pasir
District : North Aceh.


Business Logo Putry Tapas Olshop

For all friends who want to order goods or ask questions, please contact me via facebook, whatsapp, or discord pecintabunga20#1413, I will serve with all my heart, and for those who live near me you can pick up and meet me directly at my address.

Bussiness:Online Shop (Putry Tapas Olshop)
User Name:@pecintabunga20
Owner's name:Putri Zulaina
Location:Tanah Pasir, Aceh,Indonesia.
About Us:Link presentation

Greetings @pecintabunga20

 2 years ago 

We are glad to see more and more the new trend and stock of your products for sale.

Custom shirts. It is a success that increases sales and orders inside and outside from your area.

All the colors are beautiful and the embroidery of the names is wonderful.


 2 years ago 

Yes, currently, hats and t-shirts with names are in great demand by customers, especially because they are cheap and of good quality.

Hello dear @pecintabunga20 a pleasure to greet you.

What a pleasure to see your new product, personalized garments are always a good option for the client, in this way they can represent with their favorite writing.

Nice to see that in your business.

 2 years ago 

Thank you sis for always coming to comment and support, this shirt is in great demand because it is very beautiful with the name accent on the front, moreover there are various colors available, customers can order two or three clothes in different colors.

 2 years ago 

Very interesting, you are giving a very good offer to your customers by giving free name embroidered for children 1-10 years old. good work

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

wow buddy, your business is getting more and more peaking day by day this is really beautiful T-shirt with name engraving is really excellent.

Thank you for being a committed member.


 2 years ago 

Terimakasih banyak atas dukungannya Kak

Kaos nama ini memang sangat menarik banyak pelanggan saya saat ini.

 2 years ago 

Wow! selamat

 2 years ago 

Beautiful garments that peomocionas today friend. May your vebtas increase soon.

 2 years ago 


Assalamualaikum wr. wb !


Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, melalui komentar ini saya mengundang Saudara/i untuk menghadiri acara Business Meetup yang akan berlangsung pada :

Hari / tanggal : Senin/07 Februari 2022
Pukul : 15.00 - 16.30 WIB
Tempat : Salah satu cafe di Buket Rata/Alue Awe, Lhokseumawe.

Demikian undangan ini kami sampaikan.

Besar harapan agar saudara/i dapat berhadir pada acara tersebut.

Mohon konfirmasi kehadiran dengan membalas komentar ini.

Alamat lengkap akan kami bagikan setelah mengonfirmasikan kehadiran.

Atas perhatian dan dukungan kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Wasaalamualaikum wr.wb

Note : acara gratis

 2 years ago 

Na ikut anggota wanita.

 2 years ago 

Na kak,

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