Why is Steem a good asset to invest in? || by @kleymer

in Business Activity2 years ago

Hello dear Business Activity community, today we want to give you a presentation on why it is good to invest in Steem as an asset? For this, we will guide you through various concepts, tips and guides that will help you make good investments and improve the way you save and capitalize on your money in a reliable asset, so let's begin!

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What are Financial Assets?

First of all we have to know what financial assets are, these are titles or accounting entries that allow the investment to have a profit and/or payment in the future, this allows maintaining the capital of companies and the wealth of people in a continuous and ingenious way.

As financial assets we can control all that movable or immovable property that can be sold later and converted into money, loans and bank deposits are also financial assets since we give part of our money under the ownership contract that allows us to use them whenever we want. or agree with the other half.


What is the liquidity of an Asset?

When we talk about the liquidity of financial assets, we refer to the ease and speed with which we can convert these assets into cash that we can use, depending on how easily the asset can be sold and the profit and loss margin it has. will have a higher level of liquidity.

Assets such as cryptocurrencies, shares and currencies have a high level of liquidity, since they are easy to sell in the market and even in the case of cryptocurrencies and currencies that can be used directly as payment, they are considered assets of absolute liquidity, another An example of an asset of absolute liquidity that even in the macro world of finance is considered directly as cash is bank deposits.

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Cryptocurrencies as Assets

Cryptocurrencies are a type of alternative currency that can be compared to a digital currency, it is focused on decentralized databases that store their movements and transfers, these bases are also known as * block chains *.

Cryptocurrencies were developed in 1983 by the cryptographer David Chaum who created the first cryptocurrency called "eCash", from there this was an area of ​​little relevance until it was firmly conceptualized and then began its great boom in 2009 with the first cryptocurrency consolidated on Bitcoins.

Knowing this, when we talk about cryptocurrencies as financial assets, we can find that they are used as currencies and forms of capital savings, since they have great liquidity in the market and a source of income when investing, this is because you do not have a fixed value. in the market, this varies constantly and a good investor knows which cryptocurrencies to buy and thus generate profit margins due to the rise in their price.

Both as a direct form of payment or as a direct exchange for cash, cryptocurrencies are one of the most liquid assets on the market, in addition to being currently widely used assets due to their ability to increase in value.


Why is Steem a good investment?

Taking into account everything previously developed, we can see that cryptocurrencies have been in the market for more than 10 years and have consolidated their stability in it, they also have a high level of liquidity that makes them an excellent asset to manage, added to this And as a last point, they are assets that can generate considerable profit margins due to increases in their value within the market.

Why Steem? Steem has been in the world of cryptocurrencies for 10 years and although with ups and downs and we review its last moments and Bitcoin as an anchor, in addition to the investments of traders from all over the world, we can see what The trend of the cryptocurrency in the short and long term is increased, because it will be an asset that generates profits for its investors.

On the other hand, if we study its chain of blocks, how it has grown and has been structured better and better in favor of its growth, we can also see that it becomes more solid, which will have the effect that the price, liquidity and use of the Mass is increased.


So, as a recommendation for investment in assets, we consider that Steem is a cryptocurrency with very good characteristics that will allow both the generation of a capital gain margin, as well as the rapid use of its current and increasing liquidity.


We hope this information and tips on how to better manage your assets and in which ones you can invest in a better way will be very useful to you, we say goodbye and hope to continue supporting and educating the entrepreneurs of the platform and community with our knowledge, greetings!

Business name:Orinoco's Sweet
Owner's name:@kleymer
Business address:Ciudad Bolívar, Bolívar, Venezuela.
About us:Link to presentation

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 2 years ago 



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 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias por brindarme el apoyo @pelon53 !

 2 years ago 

Hello, thank you for your interest and in the shared information of benefit for the investment members of steemit.

Certainly what is better than securing the future in Cryptos, when the world evolves, we know that there are risks, but also how we should work based on them and of course know how to invest and how much, because for each investment it must be clear to be willing to lose. Taking this into account, the person must put a balance, of what he can do to earn more and know that the risks are present. Thanks for your publication.


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Totally in agreement with you, investing in cryptos is really a good opportunity to save and secure our profits in the future, you are a knowledgeable business in current times.

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