
in #hive-1655364 years ago








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  1. 比尔·盖茨为了女儿抢购Tiktok
  2. 未来三周内将有超过2万美国人死亡
  3. 特朗普借口邮寄投票推迟大选失策
  4. 内蒙古正厅级房叔文民被查
  5. 习近平在京主持企业家座谈会
  6. 迟来的央视315晚会,触目惊心
  7. 北京新发地二次疫情爆发后的聚集性疫情说明,口罩很重要
  8. 民进党狂打港版国安法,却忘了自己岛内的绿色恐怖独裁
  9. 美国疫情数据再度“刷屏”,特朗普支持率创新低
  10. 澳大利亚加强对华间谍情报“攻势”
  11. 电商补税?“刷单”怎么办?!
  12. 孟晚舟引渡案或于明年5月前结案?
  13. 特朗普怒批奥巴马“监视”竞选活动
  14. 台湾的美中代理人战争胜负已定
  15. 国民党跳船潮,民进党接不过来:国民党不死,台湾不会好
  16. “吊儿郎当”送了科比的老命
  17. 韩国瑜应沉潜,培植韩粉1.0为韩家军2.0
  18. 韩国瑜卸高雄市长,痛斥民主价值
  19. 明天又要上班了,朋友的公司却延长假期了
  20. 要求不高,春暖花开的时候,不用上班,可以去看海

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I found your message interesting, although it presents an incomplete picture of the situation, and I can see the influence of nationalistic propaganda.

Chinese law gives the government the right to get any data from any Chinese company. US law does not allow this (but the US engages in illegal data collection, anyways, as do many other countries. With nothing to prevent the Chinese gov't from obtaining all the data that Chinese companies have, it presents a vast potential for abuse by the Chinese espionage community. Since gov't-funded Chinese hackers have been very active in espionage and social engineering for many years now, it seems reasonable (but hypocritical) for the US to fear further cyber-attacks by the Chinese, especially if they can get sensitive info like passwords that might be applied by them on more sensitive accounts; a lot of people are very naive about making passwords and answering security questions.

As far as legality, I'm no lawyer but I read that there is a way for the President to legally ban companies like ByteDance and TenCent.

The sad fact is that the US does collect data on Chinese users and people from many other countries, both legally and illegally, and also engages in social engineering and espionage just Tiongkok does.

In a different world, where humans are actually evolved, we might all get along well but, because of the application of Machiavellian principles and Sun Tzu's "Art of War," as well as the biological underpinnings of our psychology, this is the reality that we, most regrettably, face.

I think it will be interesting to see the outcome of the lawsuit, although I suspect that they will have a hard time winning it given the precedents on American soil of companies from Tiongkok and other countries being forced to sell/leave. America doesn't play well with competition and, to China's credit (and a fair amount of suffering), it has gone in the past few decades from being a non-threat to a major power in the world. I credit the current government with this shift, although I wish that Mr. Xi hadn't made himself president for life because it shows that he's...well...Dangerous. He can be compared to prior leaders because of this, which makes it easier to vilify him.

America doesn't play fair. Neither do Tiongkok, Russia, and certain other countries. I think we could all stand to learn from each other and also learn how to identify megalomaniacs, monomaniacs, psychopaths and others who want to take the lead in a negative direction.

I hope you will revise and improve this article. Please let me know if you do.

This post has received a 24.89 % upvote from @boomerang.

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