Unknown Beauty-Muhuri Irrigation Project; @shuvra

in Club5050last year

I am starting today's writing by expressing gratitude to the most merciful creator. Hope everyone is well. Today I will share with you the Muhuri irrigation project and my travel experience there.

Muhuri Irrigation Project is an important irrigation project in Bangladesh. Forty feet sluice gates have been constructed for water supply at Feni Sadar, Chagalnaya, Porshuram, Fulgazi, and Sonagazia. It provides water to some areas of the Mirsrai sub-district of Chittagong to reduce the chance of flooding during the monsoon season and for aman crops. The Japanese company Simuzhu built this project with the help of SIDA, EEC, and the World Bank.

-collected from Google.

Device :- Nikon SLR
Location:- Muhuri Project,Chittagong

I lived in Feni City in 2018 due to my studies. We had a weekend trip with three friends. Every week we must go somewhere or the other, otherwise, we would lose sleep at night. Not every time we plan a short trip to the Muhuri project. It was the beginning of the rainy season, and on a Friday in the middle of May, we three friends went out in a car for the Muhuri project. It doesn't take long to get drunk. Our house was next to Feni Sadar Hospital and from there we went to Mohipal, then after breakfast in the morning, we left again for Muhuri Project. After about 50 minutes we reached our destination via Mirsarai.

Device :- Nikon SLR
Location:- Muhuri Project,Chittagong

Before reaching the main place we see numerous fish projects around the winding road. We get out of the car and see the fish project closely and enjoy its beauty with the falling afternoon sun. The green grass on both sides of the road, the jumping fish, and the golden sun all combined the atmosphere to be enjoyed to the fullest.

Device :- Nikon SLR
Location:- Muhuri Project,Chittagong

Then we reached our destination on foot while enjoying the surroundings. The open fields, the green fields next to it, and the breathtaking wind made it seem like we were in a small paradise. The shepherd was returning home with it on him and we were enjoying all the scenes with our eyes full of enchantment. And yes, I forgot to mention one thing, before entering we brought light food from a small shop on the side of the road. We were enjoying the environment while sitting on the green grass.

Device :- Nikon SLR
Location:- Muhuri Project,Chittagong

Then we walk around and observe the engineering of the project and its practical benefits. Although we are neither engineers nor experts. However, we try to understand its importance. Finally, it is understood that the Muhuri irrigation project not only benefits the farmers but also has a lot of environmental and environmental importance. As a result, many people are depending on this project for their livelihood.

Device :- Nikon SLR
Location:- Muhuri Project,Chittagong

The evening came down, and we headed towards the destination we always knew. While having tea at a tong shop on the way back, I was thinking that although our travel time was very short, the beauty of the project and the charm of its surroundings really filled our minds. Leaving this brick-and-stone city, we will sometimes go out again in search of a handful of green. I will tell you about another unknown beauty. I am ending here today by thanking everyone.

Here is my Achievement 02 Varified link
Shuvra Roy Chowdhury.
Thank you.


The picture of your car looks very nice. It's really fun to sit and have tea with friends at Tong in the evening

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