Traveling:attending a friend's wedding|by @yuliadi|#club100|10%payment to @hive-163291

in Steemit Travel2 years ago


Hi steemian friends

How are you all?


A day full of grace for all of us, on this happy day I will travel to a friend's wedding party in the village of lhokseutuy. Today I woke up early at 05-00 wib, after waking up I took a shower and then performed the Fajr prayer two rak'ahs, and then did routine exercise, commando exercise, running on the spot, push ups, and some silat movements. After that I had breakfast. .

At 08-00 wib I went to the rice fields to see rice and its development.

This is my rice plant which is 15 days after planting, according to the instructions from the agricultural service, the age of rice is 15 days after planting, it needs special care such as fertilization, and spraying insecticides, and fungicides, so that the rice plants are fertile, healthy, free from caterpillars and pests. fungus on plants.

When I saw rice I found a leaf-eating caterpillar that was on the flower leaves growing on the embankment, he was very fat and cute, this is a sign that my rice plant has also been infested with small caterpillars, so I have to spray it immediately.

leaf caterpillar
This is a caterpillar that eats young leaves, it looks very fat and cute even though it is a pest that I have to exterminate.

At 10-30 wib we were getting ready to go to my friend's wedding party who was in the village of lhokseutuy.

Once ready, we started to go to the party venue.
When we arrived at the party venue, we were immediately greeted by the host and also the traditional leaders who were in the village, then they invited us to enjoy the food that had been prepared for the invited guests.

And I enjoyed this dish with other invited guests, this dish was so delicious that I was very full!!
Not long after, the groom's entourage came with his entourage and brought a very complete delivery


bride's family

groom's group
Before they sit side by side on a majestic aisle, they must follow the customs that exist in the aceh area first, such as:
-hand over and receive lintobaro
-short advice from traditional leaders, and others

This bride was accompanied by her brother because their father had died so her brother changed into a guardian. This pair of Lintobaro and Darabaro was very suitable, with traditional Acehnese clothing decorations, Lintobaro looked very handsome and dashing, as well as Darabaro he looked very beautiful.

After following all the traditional processions, they occupied the aisle which was very beautiful and majestic, like a king and queen. Talking about this reminds me of the past when I was in the same position, when I was a lintobaro, it felt like the world belonged to both of us, other people were just riding. hi.hi.hi🤣🤣!!

That's my travel story today, I hope you enjoy reading it

Story summarytraveling to the wedding
Party locationlink

thanks for reading!!
Cultivate reading, because reading is a storehouse of knowledge

bahasa indonesia


Hai sahabat steemian

Apa kabar kalian semua?


Hari yang penuh rahmat untuk kita semua,dihari yang berbahagia ini saya akan bepergian ke tempat pesta perkawinan teman yang berada di desa lhokseutuy. Hari ini saya bangun pagi lebih awal jam 05-00wib,setelah bangun saya mandi dan kemudian melaksanakan sholat farzu subuh dua rakaat,dan kemudian melakukan olahraga rutin,senam komando,lari ditempat,pus up,dan beberapa gerakan silat.setelah itu saya sarapan pagi.

Pada jam 08-00wib saya pergi ke sawah untuk melihat padi dan perkembanganya.

Ini adalah tanaman padi saya yang ber umur 15 hari setelah tanan,menurut petunjuk dari dinas pertanian usia padi 15 hari setelah tanam,butuh perawatan khusus seperti pemupukan,dan penyomprotan insektisida,dan fungisida,agar tanaman padi subur,sehat,bebas dari hama ulat dan jamur pada tanaman.

Saat melihat lihat padi saya menemukan sebuah ulat pemakan daun yang berada pada daun bunga yang tumbuh di atas tanggul,dia sangat gemuk dan lucu,ini pertanda tanaman padi saya juga telah di hinggapi ulat kecil kecil,jadi saya harus segera menyomprotnya.

ulat pemakan daun
Ini adalah ulat pemakan daun muda,terlihat sangat gemuk dan lucu meski demikian ini adalah hama yang harus saya musnahkan.

Pada jam 10-30wib kami bersiap siap untuk pergi menghadiri pesta perkawinan sahabat saya yang berada di desa lhokseutuy.

Setelah siap,kami mulai berangkat menuju tempat pesta.
Saat sampai di tempat pesta kami langsung disambut oleh tuan rumah dan juga tokoh adat yang berada di desa tersebut,lalu mereka mempersilahkan kami untuk menikmati makanan yang telah di persiapkan untuk para tamu undangan

Dan saya menikmati makanan hidangan ini bersama tamu undangan yang lainnya,luar biasa enaknya makanan hidangan ini sampai saya sangat kenyang!!
Tidak lama kemudian rombongan mempelai pria datang dengan rombongannya dan membawa hantaran yang sangat lengkap


keluarga pengantin wanita
rombongan mempelai pria
Sebelum mereka duduk ersanding di atas pelaminan yang megah,mereka harus mengikuti adat istiadat yang ada di daerah aceh terlebih dahulu seperti:
-serah dan terima lintobaro
-nasehat singkat dari ketua adat,dan lain lagi

Pengantin wanita ini di dampingi oleh abangnya karena ayah mereka telah meninggal jadi abangnya yang mengganti menjadi wali.pasangan lintobaro dan darabaro ini sangat cocok,dengan dekorasi pakaian adat aceh,lintobaro terlihat sangat tampan dan gagah,begitu juga dengan darabaro terlihat sangat cantik.

Setelahmengikuti semua prosesi adat istiadat barulah mereka menduduki pelaminan yang sangat indah dan megah,layaknya raja dan ratu.berbicara tentang ini jadi ingat masa lalu saat saya di posisi yang sama yaitu saat saya menjadi lintobaro serasa dunia ini milik kita berdua,orang lain cuma numpang.hi.hi.hi🤣🤣!!

Demikianlah cerita bepergian saya pada hari ini,semoga kalian senang membacanya

Ringkasan ceritabepergian ke pesta perkawinan
Lokasi pestalink

terimakasih sudah membaca!!
Budayakan membaca,karena membaca adalah gudang ilmu



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Thaks very much🙏🙏

 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing posts, improve the quality of your posts and stay original.

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the post is well structured with all the information!!!


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