Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 6 - My Trip My Adventure

in Steemit Travellast year (edited)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

Hello Everyone
I am @monirm
From #Bangladesh



Hello friends how are you all hope you all are well and I am very well with your prayers and the grace of Allah I am again going to participate in a beautiful steemit travel community engagement challenge competition among you I really enjoyed the engagement challenge and we had a lot of fun during the trip. There are moments and I had some such moments and I am going to share those moments with you so let's start


Some time ago me and some friends from my office total 11 of us we left home for jaflong zero point in sylhet anyway friends we all gathered together and stood in front of the car it was a very happy moment because we were waiting for two people. I was doing anyway, then we all got together and got in the car with the name of Allah and we got in the car for Jaflong zero point in Sylhet anyway we were fine all day everyone was healthy but at the moment of departure one of my friend got high fever and got very sick in the body suddenly anyway we went to the doctor. We bought medicine from the shop and fed him and then left our car but due to his physical illness he brought a light blanket when he came from home. AC car that's why we couldn't run the AC much for him still we started the journey with AC running on low power but he was sitting in the middle of the car with a blanket on it which was a joke between us and we all had a lot of laughing comments with him and about him and mischief on our way to Fazlami.



Continued anyway we left here around 11:00 pm even though we left at night so that we could reach there in the morning anyway we had to go a little further on the highway road so check post at various places then tolls at various bridges and through there various The police were standing in the check post. However, it was around three o'clock in the middle of the night. Suddenly, a police car stopped in front of our car. Then we were shocked. Two of my friends were sleeping. After stopping the car the police asked us all to get out of the car then they saw through the window that my friend who is sick is wrapped in a blanket and looks like a girl so the police let us all down then a funny thing happened the police thought we had kidnapped a girl. Then the police realized that he was walking on the road with the blanket wrapped in it because of illness. However, it became a memorable and very funny story for us. Then we got into the car and started our journey again. We had a lot of joy and fun and the police misunderstood this moment


During the last night of my trip I had a sad urge to urinate and then I asked the driver to stop but we were in the middle of a street where there are constant robberies so the driver didn't stop then my friends all started making fun of me. Then to the driver they said the car can't be parked anyway after much talking then all together said there is a condition then they gave me a condition if I can fulfill the condition the car will be parked and I can leave my urine bag there but the condition was That was their condition that I will make everyone stand at the tea shop at this time and pay all the bills anyway I will give them a treat then I didn't agree to that too then after some time the car stopped in front of a filling station but the filling station was very nice so much The beauty is even more beautiful at night because of the lights anyway at the filling station I went to the wash room from the wash room then there was a man in a tea shop only the shopkeeper then anyway we were 11 people then I said to the shopkeeper brother you give everyone a cup of tea and meanwhile I sat down and got your beedi cigarette whatever it takes I am giving it anyway I sat in between the shopkeeper's seat and fulfilled everyone's needs besides us two people came to the shop and I sold cigarettes to them but the moment was very good there was a lot of happiness after that we all After calculating I paid all the bills to the shopkeeper and then again we got into the car and rushed to our destination anyway this was one moment of my trip but everyone was very happy about this moment even though I spent some money to treat myself but I was also very happy because the money Not a big deal but more of sharing a happy moment with everyone anyways it was nice and that's how my single treat story ends.



I can finally say that we need friends to make our life beautiful and happy and when a few friends come together to go on a trip somewhere, the joy is so sweet and beautiful and the memories remain in our lives even though we ourselves are lonely at times. Remembering that moment turns into a smile Some moments remain in our memories so we should gather together with friends and share the moments However I have shared two incidents of my travel with you guys if you like it then surely you all comment. Hope you will be well and healthy

I invite some of my friends to participate in this contest- @afrinn @selina1 @mini80 @sol02 @sadiaafreen @anisurr @memamun @taskinnahar12 @hamzaarhann to participate in this Contest :Steemit Engagement Challenge Link
Thank you

💦 Steemit Travel 💦



Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.

Allah Hafeez

 last year 

Your post is very well presented. You had a wonderful time traveling with it. You really enjoyed your time. You laughed a lot with your friends during the trip and had a great time at all the tourist spots. So good luck to you.

 last year 

Thank you brother.

 last year 

What you say is very true, that when friends are together they enjoy the walks to the fullest, since they make jokes, bets or as a confusion happened to them on their trip, which they will always remember since at the moment I imagine they were worried about the reaction of the police and then when the situation was clarified, everyone's laughter began.
and continue your debt with friends hahaha.
Thank you for sharing your adventure trip.
Greetings and blessings!!!

 last year 

@sol02 Friend, you are right, when friends are together, they make many jokes, confusion, laughter, joy, jokes, many beautiful moments are spent, just like my friends, we spend our time together with a lot of laughter. But anyways the story of my journey still makes me laugh alone anyways friend thank you so much for your valuable comment and reading my post.

It's nice to see you with your friends and you really passed away happy moments. Thank you for sharing your beautiful moments with us. 😊

 last year 

Thank you so much friend..

 last year 

I must tittle your funny story in that way because you really had an unique trip with friends and such unusual anecdotally facts of blanket, then police willing to arrest you by kidnapping someone, moreover of the urgent necessity to urine but you had to make a treat.... It's a lot! 😂🤣 You're right at the end about friends which are important to have always a smile and being happy. Thanks for sharing. Luck to you.

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 last year 

Friend @alegnita Thank you so much for reading my funny story but I still smile when I think about my story. Anyway, I am very happy to share my story with you. Thank you for encouraging me with your nice comments. Be well.

 last year 

Very grateful with you friend. You're welcome. Hopefully you'll be having much more funny moments to share here. ☺️ My regards once again 🙂

 last year 

Thank you so much friend.

 last year 

Thank you for inviting me to this beautiful steem engagement challenge contest but I read your post and it turned into a lot of laughs. Loved the funny moment of your trip but even better that the police get fooled by you. Share your beautiful moment with us. Thank you very much for doing this.

 last year 

Thank you for enjoying reading my post and yes police has opened to us it was also a very fun moment thanks for my best wishes.

 last year 

the journey that you share with friends is indeed very exciting friends, especially with friends in the same direction we can laugh and have fun, and I also want to be like you, good luck friends

 last year 

Friend @realworld23 You are right when you are with friends laughs and fun turns into chats and we can find funny romances about everything a good time comes when friends get together thank you so much for reading my post be well.

 last year 

yes that's right my friend

 last year 

Thank you friend.

 last year 

You shared a beautiful moment with us, actually the moment of your proving car was very pleasant because there were so many friends together. Anyway, thank you very much for inviting me to this competition. I wish you the best of luck in this competition.

 last year 

Sister @selina1, Thank you so much for reading my post, I had a great time with my friends in the car, but it still makes me smile when I remember it. Anyway, thank you very much for your nice comment.

En esos viajes en grupo estimado amigo se goza un mundo, lo certifico; además, en os transportes durante el camino, la diversión se hace presente con cada ocurrencia con los amigos que luego se convierten en anécdotas inolvidables. Exito en tu entrada y saludos cordiales!

 last year 

Amigo @mariami, estoy muy feliz por tu valioso comentario, pasaste parte de tu valioso tiempo leyendo mi publicación, así que estoy muy feliz de que los momentos que pasamos con amigos se conviertan en anécdotas inolvidables, por lo que el momento que pasamos con amigos es el mejor de nuestra vida. De todos modos, gracias. mucho para desearme exito.

 last year 

Hola @monirm, un viaje con mucha travesía desde la fiebre de tu amigo, hasta el momento de la policía que pensaba que había secuestrado a una niña y vaya que niña, un adulto enfermo. En los viejos siempre se prepara situación que no estan planificado como este caso, se presenta situación que nos hacen a trazar el viaje.

 last year 

Thank you friend @beautiful12, for reading my post. And thanks again for your valuable comment. Stay well and stay healthy.

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