Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 6 - My Trip My Adventure

in Steemit Travellast year

Hello, all travel friends, I hope you are always healthy and always given the strength to be able to explore wherever the goals you want to achieve.


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Adventure is the thing that most people like, both young and old, male or female especially like me who take care of household chores every day. Of course it's just healing, it has made me very grateful and extraordinary pleasure and happiness that cannot be expressed in words. Seeing a new atmosphere and experience, "My Trip My Adventure".


Bur Telege, Takengon, Central Aceh

Alright friends, I will tell you the story of my adventure to the hill "Bur Telege" which is at the top of Mount Takengon, Central Aceh (JV63+RRP, Hakim Bale Bujang, Lut Tawar, Central Aceh Regency, Aceh 24519). This is my first adventure climbing the mountain to reach a very high peak which is about 1,360 meters above sea level.


Payment of Entrance Tickets

To reach the most popular tourist destination at this time, we must reach a very high location and the distance from Takengon city is about 3 km. Bur Telege is a tourist destination that presents natural charm that is still very natural and also has unique villas and rides. The peak of Bur Telege provides a very enchanting natural view, we can even see all corners of Takengon city from the top of this mountain.


view from rest post 2, rainy and foggy


one of the symbols that gives enthusiasm to reach the goal during the hiking trip

Like other tourist attractions, this place is very safe because it is guarded by indigenous people here and we only pay an entrance ticket of Rp. 10,000/2.8 Steem for parking. However, to reach the desired destination, one has to climb a mountain where the road has been cemented with a slope of about 160%, but 3 posts are also provided for a place to rest if you feel tired.


when climbing, half way there are rides for games and also a rabbit house

Actually, I didn't expect that the place would be very steep and difficult to reach considering my condition and also the rain that hadn't stopped since we arrived. Of course, I suggest that you have a strong physique as well as friends. On this hiking trip, my eyes were spoiled by the vast view of the fresh sea and the thick smog.

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Some photos we took before the place closed ❤

After climbing for about 15 minutes, we finally arrived, but we were a little late, so many other tourists had already got off. And, it was raining really hard. We were forced to stop at one of the cafes in the Bur Telege villa and order coffee while enjoying the extraordinarily beautiful scenery. Take it easy, if you want to stay and rest here, this villa is rented out at a price of up to IDR 2,000,000 (689 Steem) / night.

Here, Gayo coffee is the best. There are some interesting photo spots to get, but again due to natural conditions and also my unfriendly condition (fear of slipping) we only took some of the safest photo spots. So, I'm not satisfied yet, and I will definitely come back to this interesting place and have an adventure to other interesting spots.g has been provided.


a beautiful Chamomile flower

And, yes, because I like plants the most, my eyes fell on this small type of flower. This flower is planted almost all the way up this mountain, grows very fertile and its properties are also very good for the world of health. I wanted to pick it, but unfortunately this flower can only thrive in high places and cold weather. Apart from this flower, there are also other flowers, the point is your eyes will be spoiled by nature whose beauty is still very well maintained.

Until here, my participation in the Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W6 at Steemit Travel Community.
I would like to invite my friends to participate in this Steemit Engagement Challenge, @patjewell @izzatulmaula @elrazi @yaumilahya @safridafatih

Thank you also for supporting me at every opportunity

From your friend


Where there is a Will there is a Way

Greeting friends!


Perjalanan yang sangat menyenangkan kakak bersama keluarga kecil☺️
Semoga tahun yang akan datang saya bisa berlibur bersama keluarga kecil Saya 😂
Terima kasih sudah mengundang saya sist🥰

 last year 

Saya berharap semoga disegerakan...
Terimakasih sayang telah mampir dipostingan saya, sukses selalu... 🤗😘

Me encantan todas tus imágenes alusivas a tu viaje de aventura, enfocaste extraordinariamente la naturaleza y sus bondades; la lluvia caer sobre esos hermosos paisajes, las flores, los divertidos juegos para los niños y sus caritas son un amor. Exito en tu fabulosa entrada. Saludos cordiales

 last year 

Thank you dear for reading my post...
This is one place that recommended to you if you go to Aceh... 🤗👍

 last year 

I guess this adventure trip made with your relatives was made in cold season according to the climate of Mount and the bunch of fog on 4th photography during the journey; wonderful day for a memorable recording in mind and heart ❤️ although the difficult to complete it because the condition you're mentioning; thanks for your publication made here in the community. Regards.

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 last year 

Thank you dear for your nice verification... 🤗😘

 last year 

You're welcome dear 😊✨

 last year 

Memang betul seperti kata kak @liasteem.
Bukit burtelege itu adalah tempat yang sangat indah, apalagi ketika kita di atas bukit. Kita bisa melihat kota dan danau yang luar bisa dari atas bukit, sungguh pemandangan yang sangat indah.

Semoga beruntung ya kak di challenge ini.

 last year 

Thank you dek, semoga kita bisa sukses bersama, belum semua tempat sempat mampir kemarin karena hujan dan udah magrib juga... 😁

 last year 

Nanti klo ada waktu, bisa pergi lagi kak.

 last year 

Tempat wisata bur telege baru baru ini merupakan tempat yang paling di minati jika berada di takengon, hampir 70% orang jika bepergian ke takengon pasti penasaran dengan bur telege kak, anda sangat istimewa sekali bisa berada di sana, lebaran yang lalu sya tidak bisa ke sana dengan alasan pengunjung yang ada telah lebih kapasitas, karena tidak ada lagi parkiran untuk kendaraan waktu itu

 last year 

Benarkah? Owh minat orang sangat besar untuk kesana, lebaran kemarin juga hujan terus disana, kami perginya udah mau maghrib, pas diatas puncaknya azan maghrib... 😂
Alhamdulillah masih dikasi masuk dan ditemani sama orang sana sampek kami turun, kalau saya melihat, mereka lebih amanah dek...
Saya doakan semoga lebaran ini bisa tercapai kalau saya udah gx bisa kesana lagi karena kondisi.... 😁
Indah kali tempatnya 👍

 last year 

Itulah kak, sangat kecewa sekali saat lebaran kemarin kak, saya tidak di beri masuk🥺 semoga saja bisa segera ke snaa kak

 last year 

That sounds like an incredible adventure! Climbing to the hill "Bur Telege" on top of Mount Takengon in Central Aceh must have been quite a thrilling experience, especially since it was your first time climbing a mountain to reach such a high peak. The fact that it stands at approximately 1,360 meters above sea level showcases the breathtaking beauty and elevation of the area. Exploring and conquering new heights in nature often provides a sense of accomplishment and awe-inspiring views. I'm sure your journey to "Bur Telege" allowed you to witness the stunning landscapes and appreciate the wonders of the natural world. Thank you for sharing your exciting adventure, and I look forward to hearing more about your experiences in the future!

 last year 

that's right my friend, I never imagined I would climb a mountain, my leg almost broke, but because of its beauty that I hear from people makes me excited... thanks for stopping by and good luck to you too.... 🤗👍

 last year 

What a nice place! I can only imagine the beauty of nature you can see as far as the eye can stretch.
I suppose the coffee that awaits must be a nice reward for reaching the top.
Wishing you all the best for the contest.
PS: Thanks for the invite!

 last year 

Thanks for dropping by and commenting mod'm...
The coffee here is the best coffee in the world, you have to try it... 👍👍👍

 last year 

I think adventure is such a thing. Which takes away all our immediate thoughts and only dwells on the place we come to. I was able to match this definition of mine with your post. I think when you were in this place you had nothing else in your mind but the thought of this place. really awesome

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