THE DIARY GAME : 17-03-2022 | Carrot Slice Dessert + Turkish Coffee at the Cafe and More... #club100

in Steem-Turkey3 years ago

Hello Everyone:

Today I will tell you in detail what I did on 17-03-2022.

I paid the internet, gas, water, electricity bills today. After paying the bills, I had a Turkish coffee with cappuccino at a cafe. Of course, I will share with you below in detail the breakfast, the evening meals and the evening meals I prepared.

Carrot Slice Dessert + Turkish Coffee at the Cafe and More....png

Morning :

I woke up at 10:00 this morning. I routinely wash my hands and face, then brush my teeth. Then I started preparing myself a breakfast plate for breakfast. For breakfast, I bought pastry and bagels from the patisserie where I live. Then I added a few slices of cheddar, tomatoes, green olives and other breakfast products to my plate. I can say that it is one of my nutritious and practical breakfast plates, and this is how I finished my breakfast with hot tea.


My Breakfast+ Selfie


I paid about 4 STEEM for the pastry and bagels I bought from the patisserie here.

After Breakfast:

After I finished my breakfast, I left the house to pay my monthly electricity, water, natural gas and internet bills. I can say that the electricity bills have been increased by over 120% where I live. With the current hikes monthly, I usually pay between 80 STEEM and 100 STEEM electricity bills. Likewise, heating with natural gas is extra expensive.

As of April, we will complete the winter season and now we will switch to the spring season, so I will avoid paying high natural gas bills. After paying my bills, I went to a cafe and wanted to listen to a little while drinking Turkish coffee. I really liked the lighting on the top design of the cafe where I drank my Turkish coffee, and I would like to share both the design of the cafe and the photos of the Turkish coffee I drank below with you.


The Turkish Coffee I Ordered In The Cafe & The Lighting System Of The Cafe


Towards Evening :

Towards the evening, I prepared Turkish Ravioli, a type of pasta that I bought from the supermarket before. We can prepare Turkish ravioli ourselves at home, but for its preparation, we must prepare a dough and then cut and shape the dough. Before shaping, we need to add ground beef. You may have seen that I have prepared ravioli in many The Diary Game posts before. I try to prepare once a week. I boiled the ravioli in water and prepared a sauce using yoghurt, garlic, tomato paste + spices. After adding this sauce to the ravioli that I boiled, my meal is ready.


Turkish Ravioli Prepared with Yogurt + Garlic and Hot Sauce


When I prepare the detailed recipe of Turkish Ravioli at home, I can share it with you in detail in the form of a post.

Evening :

I usually spend the evening having a dessert with coffee or tea and relaxing lately. I bought a baklava, which we call a carrot slice, from a pastry shop near me. I have shared some versions of this dessert with you before, but this is the first time I am sharing the carrot slice version. Baklava is one of my favorite desserts because the green pistachio in it adds an incredible taste. It is a dessert that is difficult to prepare at home, but I am thinking of preparing it at home for Eid al-Fitr, when I prepare it, I will share its recipe with you in detail. It will be a pleasure to share with you how both Turkish Ravioli and Baklava, one of the local flavors of Turkish cuisine, are prepared.


Carrot Slice Baklava Dessert


In this way, you will have the chance to try Turkish dishes and desserts at home. 🙂

  • This was the activities I did today, see you in my next diary ... :)

  • ThisIsMe

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