I Finally Joined The Splinterlands Fun

in Steem Japan3 years ago

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LFG Hodir, shit wrong game, this is Splinterlands! Hodir was a raid in WOW so many years ago.... The art is reminiscent of WOW so I was having flashbacks, but in a good way. Anyway, I finally did it, I joined Splinterlands and I'm gonna be in-game rich again farming dark crystals!

I've had a cold this past week so after sitting around in bed feeling miserable, I finally decided to make the plunge and get my spell book, with a different account of course, @realrt395. I signed up on a different browser and Splinterlands gave me a new account. Then, instead of backing out and using this account I dove in and bought some packs, essentially sealing my fate to that new account. Actually, it will work out though because my wife doesn't know about it so I can hide the gaming time & crypto from her!

Splinterlands is actually very entertaining. I was surprised how much fun I could have playing a card game versus an MMORPG or a shoot the bad guys game. I picked it up pretty quick, SSO, formation, etc. and went to town trying out all the different classes in the practice battles. I found myself using the Fire class 90% of the time. They are just brutal when lined up right. Although it only takes 1 good card on the opposing players hand and my Fire class all falls apart. Seems my Water class is stepping up though(see end of this post).

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My thoughts on UI, ease of use, etc. The UI is fantastic. Very professional. The animations, the sounds and art are all A+. Everything is fairly intuitive for gamers, but you should really still read the FAQ & do the tutorial if you want to succeed. Here's a tip for success, when you buy a pack be sure to load up 5 potions for Legendary & Alchemy before you open your pack, that way you greatly increase your odds of getting an epic or a foil card. I opened up 4 of the 8 packs I bought before I figured this out. Still got a foil before I learned. After using potions I got an epic and another foil.

Then there's the economics of the game. It's awesome you can sell, rent, buy, and farm in the game and there is a legit market for it all, not some pump and dump on a pump and dump chain. I'm not totally sure what the land plots are about yet, but if they are for farming and expanding the game play it's gonna make Splinterlands the biggest game in the cryptoverse.

Here is a link to some battles I just finished up that went well. Those heals on the Wave Brood!



I'm happy to battle anyone if you send me an invite, @realrt395 . See ya on the battlefield!


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