Amazon Japan Screws Us Over

in Steem Japan3 years ago

Spoke to my wife in Japan last night. She was looking to sell our minerals on Amazon Japan yesterday and to her surprise at least 3 other vendors are already selling our minerals, using our pictures and details!

Amazon site:

スクリーンショット 2021-06-11 10.jpg

Our Site:

Screen Shot.jpg

She did a bit of research and found out that this is happening to quite a few small businesses in Japan. So she called Amazon to resolve the problem. Their customer service directed her to fill out an online complaint form and she did. Amazon said that the information we provided wasn't enough and we needed to jump through additional hoops. What a bunch of bastards. We linked them our sit witch we have had for almost 5 years and through our hosting service everything is copyrighted. Amazon could care less. What are we going to do? Sue them? lol.

My wife works her ass off for our business. For someone to come along and steal that hard work, possibly damage our reputation, etc. is infuriating. Even worse, for Amazon to just brush it off has me enraged.

Here is another example with live links:


Screen Shot 2021-06-10 at 6.31.58 PM.png

Our shop site

Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 7.27.50 AM.png

This is what happens when big companies get too much power. As we have experienced over the years in America, corporations could care less and they will put you in an endless loop of calls, forms, etc. until you tire and give up. It wasn't that way when I was growing up in the USA and it wasn't that way in Japan until recently.

Amazon has become a shitty convenience store. I got rid of it in the States last year because I knew that they are a leech on your income. Now I also know how they screw over small businesses too. Thank god there are alternatives in Japan like Rakuten, Yahoo, etc. I look forward to the day Amazon crashes and burns.

 3 years ago 

that sucks... what is going to happen if someone actually buys them from amazon? they took your pictures but they dont have your minerals?

Ya, good question. We're not sure how long they have been doing this as we just looked into it. I assume they would take the cash and run. Then set up a new account and do the same thing. The thing is people will probably think it is us and so that damages our reputation. If this happens I would seriously try to sue Amazon.

 3 years ago 

yeah sue amazon and also try contact US amazon since they use the same info for their US site?

I have no idea of the law in Japan. I don't know if a lawyer would dare take a case against Amazon, etc. This is the problem with massive corporations. Although, Japan is very nativist when it comes to business so they may favor lawsuits against foreign companies.

 3 years ago (edited)

I dont know anything either but
Q, 当社のコピー商品を転売している業者が、販売用のウェブサイトに当社のウェブサイトで掲載している写真やイラスト、説明文などのコンテンツを大量に流用していることを確認しました。コピー商品については対応策を進めていますが、ウェブサイトについてはどのような対応をとったらよいでしょうか。

A, 流用されているコンテンツの使用の差止めおよびデータの廃棄、損害賠償、そして信用回復措置として掲載していたコンテンツが無断で流用したものである旨を告知してもらうことが考えられます。また、併せて刑事告訴することも考えられます。

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