Club100 / Actsofkindness : Acknowledgments for direct book donation from Dayah Leaders and Our Students

in Steem Japan2 years ago

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wbarakatuh.

Hello My Friends All Members of the STEEMJAPAN Community I Respect. Alhamdulillah we meet again on this beautiful night with this very sunny atmosphere and weather, and I pray that we are all always in good health and easy, all affairs are also always in the protection of Allah and may the activities we carry out be achieved as intended.

Dear friends, In writing this post I want to share beautiful memories of photos Acknowledgments for direct book donation from Dayah Leaders and Santri2 Geutanyoe.


Alhamdulillah.. Thank you very much for the donation of books from the Geutanyoe Jama'ah2 All Donors. Congregants Who God Gives Sustenance, Let's give the book for Orphans & Poor & Achievements in Dayah, send to BSI: 1058597615 AN: RIZAL AZHARI, Confirm WA 085362473416 Book donors:

  1. Doctor Syahrizal Mohd Bireuen 5 million @Dokter Syahrizal ENT
  2. Tgk Rijal Aron BlangBlahdeh 350rb
  3. Ms. Cut Syamsiatun Nazli Bireuen 500k @I Cut Nazli
  4. Eldest Son 150rb
  5. Sis Aira Batam 500rb @Aira Ibu Lina
  6. Mami Lina Denmark 1 million @Mami Lina Denmark
  7. Sis Maimunah Banda Aceh 500rb @K Maimunah Waqaf BNA
  8. Doctor Zuraini Bireuen 5 Million @Dr Zuraini BIREUEN
  9. Sis Nurmala Accessories 500rb @Kak Mala Accessoriesmala
  10. Ms. Nurlaili Matang 2 million @I Nurlaili Matang Sltn
  11. Nasriyati Naya Pekanbaru @Nasriyati Donor Pkn Br 150k
  12. Bg Iswadi Birga @Tgk Iswadi July Donor July 200k
  13. Ayu M Tayeb Mami Lina 1 million
    May Allah make it easy for all affairs and Raseuki Donors & congregants ban mandum, Beutroeh lagee ban the wishes and aspirations of Donors, May you always be in God's goodness & guidance And always be in the protection of Allah & be healthy Sabe, Beu Happy in the Hereafter and Beutroeh Rewards to parents Donors & Families & Jama'ah2 Ban Mandum2..Amen, O Allah


Alhamdulillah.. Terima Kasih Banyak2 Sumbangan Kitab dari Jama'ah2 Geutanyoe Para Donatur2 Sekalian. Jamaah Yg Allah Titipkan Rezeki, Mari berinfaq KITAB Untuk Santri2 Yatim & Fakir & Berprestasi di Dayah, kirim ke BSI: 1058597615 AN: RIZAL AZHARI, Konfirmasi WA 085362473416 🕌 Donatur2 Kitab:

  1. Dokter Syahrizal Mohd Bireuen 5 Juta @⁨Dokter Syahrizal THT⁩
  2. Tgk Rijal Aron BlangBlahdeh 350rb
  3. Ibuk Cut Syamsiatun Nazli Bireuen 500rb @⁨I Cut Nazli⁩
  4. Putra Sulung 150rb
  5. Kak Aira Batam 500rb @⁨Aira Ibuk Lina⁩
  6. Mami Lina Denmark 1jt @⁨Mami Lina Denmark⁩
  7. Kak Maimunah Banda Aceh 500rb @⁨K Maimunah Waqaf BNA⁩
  8. Dokter Zuraini Bireuen 5 Juta @⁨Dr Zuraini BIREUEN⁩
  9. Kak Nurmala Aksesoris 500rb @⁨Kak Mala aksesorimala⁩
  10. Ibuk Nurlaili Matang 2jt @⁨I Nurlaili Matang Sltn⁩
  11. Nasriyati Naya Pekanbaru @⁨Nasriyati Donatur Pkn Br⁩ 150rb
  12. Bg Iswadi Birga @⁨Tgk Iswadi Juli Donatur⁩ Juli 200rb
  13. Ayu M Tayeb Mami Lina 1 Juta
    Semoga Allah Mudahkan Segala Urusan dan Raseuki Donatur2 & jama'ah2 ban mandum , Beutroeh lagee ban hajat dan cita2 Donatur2, Semoga Selalu dalam Kebaikan & Petunjuk Allah Serta beu Selalu lam lindungan Allah & Sehat Sabe, Beu Bahagia Dunia Akhirat dan Beutroeh Pahala kpd Orang tua Donatur2 & Keluarga & jama'ah2 ban Mandum2..Aamin2 ya Allah ✍🏻🤲🏻🕌



That's my post this time. Thank you to all friends who have helped each other in this STEEMJAPAN community, I wish us all success in this community and also in particular thanks to the moderators who always work hard to support all of our posts, especially to @japansteemit , @tomoyan, @juichi, @yasu and other.. they are who has guided us all so that we can continue to be active in this community.

Cc : @steemcurator01 And @chant , Thank you so much for your support for our Actsofkindness

See you again in my next post.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


See you again on another occasion in the next post.

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✍ About Me : Tgk @rijalaronaceh

Silahkan Ikuti Pengajian Saya Setiap Hari di Link Ini :
Dayah Babussalam
Blang Blahdeh Bireuen
FB: Tgk Rijal Aron BlangBlahdeh
Twitter: Rijal_Aron_Aceh
Youtube: Tgk Rijal Aron Blang Blahdeh
WA & Telegram: +6285362473416
Discord: rijalaronaceh#2619




 2 years ago 

@rijalaronaceh さん、こんにちは。



💡 アップボートガイド 💡


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