The Ultimate Guide to the Chevrotain || 10% payout @japansteemit

in Steem Japan3 years ago

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The Ultimate Guide to the Chevrotain

The Chevrotain, also known as the Mouse Deer, is a small species of even-toed ungulate in the family Tragulidae and genus Tragulus. Like other deer species, the Chevrotain has antlers to defend themselves from predators and for attracting mates. They are herbivores and typically feed on leaves, twigs, and fruit; but occasionally they will eat insects to supplement their diet if they experience hunger during times of drought or forest fires.


The Chevrotain is found predominantly in Southeast Asia with an estimated population of 500 - 1,000 individuals remaining. The most common threats to this animal include habitat destruction by humans and agricultural development such as logging for timber or plantations that replace natural ecosystems with monoculture forests and agriculture.
The Chevrotain is a solitary animal with the only social interaction being to mate. Similar to deer, Chevrotains have a rutting season from November - December where males compete for female attention by fighting amongst themselves to establish dominance.


In Vietnam, Chevrotains are currently listed as Least Concern and are protected throughout many parts of the country. They can be found in Cuc Phuong National Park and Cat Tien National Park.

These solitary animals spend their time alone except when they gather to give birth or mate; while foraging, they typically stay within a certain area until food sources become scarce and move to another location. Chevrotains are highly prized for their meat and the population has been decreasing as a result.


There are several threats to this species including habitat destruction both from humans hunting them for food, deforestation for timber or agriculture purposes, and degradation due to logging roads that inhibit movement between habitats. Although they have a large range across Asia, approximately 25% of individuals live in Southeast Asia, and nearly all of those live in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam, or Thailand. Their population has been decreasing as a result of hunting for food and the pet trade. When Chevrotains are forced out of their habitat due to deforestation for plantations, they have few places to go since most areas have been cleared for agriculture.

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