#club100||Economic Activities: Rice Harvest Cooperation Using Harvest Machine

in Steem Japan2 years ago (edited)

Implementation of Rice Harvest By Machine



The process of implementing the cooperation between the rice cutting machine owners, agents and operators who work to operate the rice cutting machines begins after the agreement between the rice cutting machine owners (toke moto) and the rice cutting machine agents (moto agents), while the operator (super moto koh) pade) are basically not involved in the cooperation agreement and profit sharing.

This is as conveyed by Mr. Syukri, who has been a rice cutting machine operator for more than two years (super moto koh pade) that basically super moto koh pade are people employed by agents whose job is to operate rice cutting machines to cut rice in paddy fields has been determined by the agent based on an agreement that has been previously made between the agent and the owner of the field. The amount of salary and salary payments for operators (super moto) is based on an agreement between himself and the agent, of course the amount of salary for super moto koh pade is also based on the salary that usually applies in a certain area, for the Kuta Makmur sub-district it is generally Rp. 50,000 per mah of rice field.



Based on research with Mr. Ahmad as a rice cutter machine operator in Krueng Seupeng Village, Kuta Makmur District, who has worked for more than three years. Salaries or wages that generally apply to super moto koh pade are around Rp. 40,000 to Rp. 50,000 per mah of rice field. According to him, the amount of salary has increased compared to when he became a super moto koh pade. According to his explanation, the salary is with super conditions to get lunch, drink twice a day and money to buy cigarettes (peng rukok). He added that actually Super is not tied to profit-sharing cooperation with agents and rice cutting machine owners, because Super gets a salary from the agent, and usually the super salary is given in full after cutting the rice, because the rice field owner also pays directly to the agent after the rice cutting is complete. , unless there are other obstacles so that the agent only gives the down payment from the wages for cutting rice to super moto koh pade.
In the implementation of the rice cutting cooperation between the agent and the owner of the rice cutting machine, all capital and operational costs are borne by the agent.

The agent spends a certain amount of money as operational capital for the rice cutting machine such as for fuel oil for the rice cutting machine, oil changes, spare parts, maintenance, food and drink for the workers (operators) borne by the agent. The agent also bears the entire salary of super moto koh pade which is paid in full after the rice cutting.



In the implementation of rice field plowing, in addition to spending the entire capital for operations and super moto koh pade salaries, agents are also tasked with finding paddy fields to be cut. Usually the agents will meet the land owner, or vice versa the land owner will notify or ask the agent to cut the rice using a rice cutter machine. Based on Mr. Faisal's statement to the author, in general, agents directly cut rice in the rice fields whose owners have been identified by the agent and the rice fields which were also cut in the previous harvest season by the agent.
In addition to looking for rice fields to be cut, either by meeting the land owner or vice versa, the land owner meets the agent. The agent also measures the area of ​​land that has finished cutting rice to determine the amount of rice cutting costs that must be paid by the land owner.

In this measurement, the agent is usually assisted by super moto koh pade and rarely involves the owner of the field because the owner of the field and the agent already trust each other. In addition to measuring the area of ​​land that has been plowed. The agent is also in charge of quoting the payment of the cost of cutting rice from the land owner. Usually the agent will go to the owner of the field to submit a record of the land area and the fees to be paid by the farmer who owns the land.



Based on the results of an interview with Mr. Zamanhuri who owns 4 (four) plots of rice fields with an area of ​​about 1 (one) hectare in Krueng Seupeng Village, usually agents will visit the land owner's house after harvesting. The amount of rice cutting costs that generally apply in Krueng Seupeng Village is Rp. 600,000 per mah (1600 M) or Rp. 150,000 per gupang (400 M). For the total amount of fees to be paid, he entrusted it to the agent. In general, the entire cost can be paid off after the farmer sells his harvested rice to the buyer, although sometimes the yield is unsatisfactory.

According to Mr. M. Ali as a farmer in Krueng Seupeng Village who has a fairly large paddy field, which is about 8 (eight) plots with an area of ​​up to 1.5 hectares. He did not harvest all of his rice with a rice cutting machine because he felt sorry for the residents who lost their jobs and the condition of several plots of rice fields that the rice cutter machine could not pass due to unstable soil conditions (rhup). For fields that are cut by machine, he regularly entrusts to a rice cutting machine who is familiar with him and knows him well and with good reasons for the cutting done by the rice cutter operator.
The distribution of the results of the cooperation between the agent and the owner of the rice cutting machine is given by the agent to the owner of the rice cutting machine after the entire cost of cutting rice in the fields quoted by the agent is collected and then reduced by all the capital issued by the agent for the salary of super moto koh pade (rice cutting machine operator). ), operational costs such as fuel oil for the rice cutting machine, oil, maintenance of the rice cutting machine, spare parts for the rice cutting machine, the cost of eating and drinking for super moto koh pade including expenses for peng ie and rukok for the operator (super moto koh pade), owner the rice cutting machine will get a profit sharing of 40% of the net results after deducting all the expenses that have been mentioned, while the agent will get 60% according to the initial agreement.

According to Mr. Syamsyuddin as the owner of the rice cutting machine, in general, from his experience of more than 3 (three) years being the owner of the rice cutting machine, there were no significant problems that arose during the implementation of the profit sharing cooperation between the owner of the rice cutting machine and the agent which usually occurs in Krueng Seupeng Village. or with agents in other gampongs if the rice cutting machine is taken out of Krueng Seupeng gampong.

Between the agent and the owner of the rice cutting machine, they already know and trust each other, so there are no disputes regarding the amount of profit sharing obtained or other problems generally do not occur.



From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the model of cooperation between the agent and the owner of the rice cutting machine in harvesting rice in Krueng Seupeng Village, Kuta Makmur District begins with the search for a rice cutting machine, an agreement between the agent and the owner of the rice cutter, the contract and handover of the rice cutting machine and implementation rice cutting.

The model of cooperation between gene and rice cutting machine owners is a profit sharing partnership, where the rice cutting machine owner hands over his rice cutting machine while the agent provides capital for all operational funds including the machine operator's salary, with a profit sharing after harvest of 40% for the cutting machine owner. rice and 60% for agents, while workers do not get profit sharing but get wages based on the area of ​​rice fields harvested.

Thank You Very Much for Visiting and Reading My Blog




Best Regard


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