Locked game- A freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

Spy by ddcnegocios in Pixabay

Locked game

He didn't respond and immediately she thought, "They got him and now they're coming for me". That bitter pill was diluted in her mouth with the speed of impetuous fear that took hold of her senses and limbs.

She trembled as if a cold front had pierced her bones, her skin became bristly, her gaze blurred at times, and her tongue dried up bitterly leaving a feeling of nausea that was difficult to control. She could not hear, a buzzing sound penetrated her ears leaving only a whistling sound. She leaned back from the gazebo railing to keep from falling.

"I have to control myself," she said trying to convince her mind not to collapse at a time when she needed clarity of thought and not the darkness of fear.

She wasn't trained to get out of stressful situations like this, but she had to control herself. Then she remembered that there had to be an extreme plan agreed upon for covert cases and she was engrossed in remembering a protocol that never existed or at least Thomas did not share it with her.

(End of five minutes)

"The game is stuck, the whole thing of reliving the fire in the relationship by looking for dangerous adventures, pretending what we are not among known con artists, was not a good choice, now we are entangled in a story of espionage between rival gangs".

Her thoughts remained tied to the character created in that absurd plot he insisted on remembering.

"I must go to the scheduled meeting with Thomas, although he must have been captured, a disguise will allow me to observe without being discovered."

She bought some big sunglasses and an Afro wig at a costume shop and went to the café on the boulevard where she was to meet her husband. She looked so ridiculously amused that people murmured in amazement as they passed by as if waiting for the rest of the cast of a theatrical promotion. She smiled and waved to everyone who saw her, assuming they had mistaken her for someone famous.

Her surprise was great when she approached the outside tables of the café which were completely occupied, except for one that had only one gentleman who she recognized immediately and although she doubted whether to approach or not, she hurried to sit down.

"Excuse me, madam, it's occupied!"

"Thomas, it's me!"

"Margaret? And what are you doing in disguise?"

"I thought you'd been caught and I was very frightened, so I tried to hide in this disguise."

"Caught? No! Stolen! You and your inventions, those people didn't believe the story that we were millionaires looking to invest in some good business. They smelled that I was a poor, frightened devil and stole what I was carrying, the phone and the car. They told me to get lost and not to report them because they could do worse. So I walked around for a while in confusion and then I remembered that we had agreed to meet here and I came. I won't fall for your madness of reliving passion again, I'd rather die of boredom. You, see what you do."

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In response to @mariannewest Day 909: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: bitter pill. If you are interested, find out here



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Hi @zeleiracordero ( I won't fall for your madness of reliving passion again, I'd rather die of boredom. You, see what you do.") my favorite part.
I liked it , ccI also like the couple that accompanies your post,their elegance.
Take care of yourself my dear friend

I'm glad you liked it, my good friend. A little humor to get through these days.
Stay blessed!

I enjoyed this sentence a lot: They smelled that I was a poor, frightened devil and stole what I was carrying, the phone and the car.
I agree with Martha75 about the elegance of the couplen in your post.

Thank you for your kind comment, @gemamedina.

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