Cleaning lady

in Freewriters2 years ago

I wish someone gave me a hand if it comes to cleaning the house. My mum once suggested it but I don't like strangers in the house plus it's hard to schedule it. I work different shift and never know it weeks ahead. I need my rest, to sleep at daytime and am not sure if my dog likes it.

If they are coming, my mum and siblings, I do my best to clean up and make it looks nice. My mother knows and before she leaves she cleans too and does my laundry no matter how tired she feels. She cooks and cleans and at times it felt she is the cleaning lady, the unpaid one.

She can't help me out any longer it's too much. Perhaps one day I will consider it although, I consider it a waste of money. Besides, how many people still dare to visit others, are motivated to clean today with C19? At my work I see people come but most don't stay for long.

-------------------------------- + --------------------------------

See @mariannewest for the #weekendfreewrite

Prompt used: they are coming


@team-ccc for the contest 'C means'

My C is: cleaning lady



Perhaps one day I will consider it although, I consider it a waste of money.

For some, it is a waste of money, for me, hiring a 'cleaning lady' might cost me half of my salary but if I only do it like once in 3 months, I think I'll survive. I can also use that free time to sleep. Like seriously, I feel like sleeping is more important as long as I don't live in a garbage bin. Not literally.

Besides, how many people still dare to visit others, are motivated to clean today with C19?

Now that, is a real question. I'm still renting my mum's house, so, inviting a stranger to our house is a bit hard. Inviting a non-stranger is already hard as it is. lol

Best of luck to us and may we be better at cleaning up. I really need that. lol

So to you it's a waste of money too. I mean if it's half of your income. I find it hard to invite people too because it's more like tip toeing with people around.

If the spirit is back we'll clean up. It's not that the garbage is piled up. Happy day to you.

So to you it's a waste of money too.

Yeah, I would be thinking, I'm working to pay someone else. It feels weird but sometimes they really did great. Especially when I'm not that good at cleaning. I got tired too easily. So, I need their help. Lol

So, I usually hired them when I got my bonus. So that I don't feel too burden. So far, only once or twice a year. Lol 🤣🤣

I am in the same dilemma - not working different shifts but wishing I had a cleaning service, at the same time knowing that they cost a lot and probably are not doing the job like I want it done...

It's hard to find someone you can trust, do it your way and you don't need to check.
We had one for a while as my mom got sick. It took her more time waiting till she showed up and cleaning after she left than doing it herself.

Viele tun sich schwer wenn es um das Aufräumen/Putzen geht.
Allerdings ist es eine Lebenseinstellung, ob man es sauber haben möchte oder nicht.
Es bleibt immer etwas Zeit um Sauber zu machen.
Allerdings liegt das Problem bei uns im Kopf.
Meine Frau und ich räumen "Grundsätzlich" immer alles sofort wieder auf- oder weg.
Es bleibt nichts liegen.
Selbst der Hund bleibt draußen auf der Matte vor der Tür stehen, bis er saubergemacht wurde.
Wir denken nicht darüber nach, ob und wann wir sauber machen sollen.
Es ist bereits fertig.
Früher waren wir immer damit beschäftigt wann geputzt oder gewaschen wird.
Fällt heute alles weg. Wird immer sofort erledigt.
Waschen der Wäsche einmal die Woche - fertig.
Wir vergeuden keine Zeit mehr mit Diskussionen.


The house isn't a mess or so but I don't have much time to take care of dust, floors and do extra cleaning. Kind of broke once back home of work. Need to recover two days if I change shifts (day - night).
It will solve itself in a way.
Thanks for sharing how you arranged it.

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I would prefer the cleaning lady to do the work for me if I have the mean to do so. I can then do something else that bring me joy

It would be nice if someone else does thecleaning but I don't like strangers in the house. Feels a bit strange if this person cleans up my 'dirt'. Who knows I get over it.

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