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RE: Freewrite -- Day 1223

Oh and by the way, no one I work with including my boss is in full Agreement with the mask mandate, so in reality I don't have to wear it all day but only under certain circumstances for relatively brief stints.

I'm sure for better and worse in different ways, the American people do not like to be told how to conduct their business.


Not where I live! It's the zombie apocalypse over here in downstate NY. My "friends" (they all think I am crazy now) get all bundled up and set up chairs, at least six feet apart, in their snowy, frigidly cold driveways to socialize with their best friends, and have been doing this for a YEAR. I know one child who spent the year between his 8th and 9th birthdays with no one but his parents!!!! I know another woman who has not been closer than 6 feet to her three grandchildren, who live two blocks from her, for a year now. They wave all at each other from the sidewalks and the front windows. It is obey and do as you are told time here.

Yeh well I do not know anything about downstate becuz I only once visited the City but I do know that a lot of them new yorkers are of a different breed, and maybe most especially the ones of them that ask to be called Esquire.

I'm sorry to have to say this, but Rednecks are the true heart-and-soul of America, I'm not proud that I cannot qualify as one of them, becuz without true redneck skills I am a mere Hillbilly, it is True Redneck Skills that built and maintain this whole frickin facade, and it's not that I am an overwhelming fan of the Cities that the true Rednecks of this country built and maintain, not to mention all lines of communication commerce and cross-enculturation, and not to diminish the help and teachings of other Peoples for instance many Mexicans who have assisted and also taught the rednecks as they go about their business, but I'm pretty sure most True Rednecks wouldn't be describable as overwhelming fans of the City either becuz most of em make their stead in the Country and when they have time they hit the ice house and warm their bellies with good classic American beer.

I'm a transplanted hillbilly myself, born and raised in the foothills of Appalachia, but am not a red neck, so I know exactly what you mean. Here, "redneck" means white supremacist, trigger happy, moron. I know better though.

You know I've been interested in that Appalachia. I've done all my Climbing, and it wasn't much, in the Black Hills and also Colorado.

I've done all my climbing too, and it was almost all in Allegany County, NY. If you don't hunt, fish, or raise dairy cows, you've never heard of my neck of the woods, and probably not even then. Very rural, although I lived in town. We had rifles and shotguns and hunting dogs and deer hanging from trees in the back yard. Well, there was that one time anyway. My mother would have no more of that. She wasn't born and raised in Appalachia like my Dad was. A Greek hillbilly he was. I'm a mutt hillbilly.

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