
You know I'm kidding, right? I want what's best for you, and a little old lady to marry is not that. Not for me either! I like being a spinster. Wait, is one a spinster if one was married and has kids?

You know I once spent Time around this Lady who taught me a few things about magic and being a witch. I had been involved with the tarot for about 6 years at the time, and she was a lot like me in the sense that she would work with her cards more sometimes and not-at-all other-times. Anyway, I offered to do a reading for her, obviously free of charge, and back in those days I was still using the Golden Tarot and mainly working with the Celtic Cross layout, and so I did the 10-card reading one evening and wrote up a little two page report on what I saw. Long story short, she really liked it, was impressed, saw potential in me, and once in a while I would come around her place just to hang out outside of work. There's a lot more great details I'd love to share with you, but then this would go on forever.

How this connects is this -- I have no way of evaluating what one is. What could make one, so to speak, a spinster, for instance.

She always told everyone she was a Lesbian, and she was Married to a Woman, but she never said a good word about her Wife, often had a random young shirtless guy with looks hanging about when I was over, and she had two kids (one from each prior husband), both of whom were in their 20s at that point.

I'm very content with Not-Knowing a lot of things in this life.

Hey forgive me, but I'm going to throw an appendix on this comment in case I forget and need to search the blockchain at least these few details will be here although I'd prefer to have them handy. Capiche. Let me know if you'd prefer to know the story behind them being here.

The Lovers, Wands II, Cups X

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