Day 831: 5 Minute Freewrite: How Brussel Sprouts Can Drive a Person Crazy

in Freewriters4 years ago

Photo by me @whatisnew

How Brussel Sprouts Can Drive a Person Crazy

"Of course I love brussel sprouts!" Matilda touts,
Trying to impress the acting scouts.
Little did they know she had problems with gout,
Each time, was a very long bout.
Her narrow ankles became swollen and stout,
All from eating those damn brussel sprouts.

Matilda went on and on, thinking she had clout,
Her madness continued with each spout.
She didn't get the acting role, there were no doubts,
Matilda had no love for brussel sprouts.

"I do hate sprouts and also sauerkraut!"
"And now I want to gouge your eyes out!"
Sporting a new straight jacket, she continued to flout.

Day 821: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge by @mariannewest. Wednesday-prompt: brussel sprouts

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I love your poem!! They rhyme so well! Something I can't do :D
Ooo.. brussel sprouts are not good for gout? Thanks for letting me know. I have to be careful cooking them for my family for some of them has gout history.

Thanks so much @marblely! I am sorry to hear that gout runs in your family but I have no idea if brussel sprouts can cause gout. I just used that word because it rhymed with what I was writing. That is one of the beauties of @mariannewest's doesn't have to be true. I am so sorry if I misguided you so please check with your doctor before withholding brussel sprouts from your family. Hugs!

lol. They can also drive you crazy when you can't think of a darn thing to write about them, which was my problem. good one!

I felt the same way. Well donde @whatisnew

HaHa! Thanks for stopping by @owasco! : )

Too funny 😂😂😂 @whatisnew, loved it. Goutman Bruni


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Thanks Bruni! Glad you liked it. Oh, you have gout bouts?

Yes, It's the rich mans disease but us poor people get it too!

Hahaha, total madness
Hilarious poem.

Thanks @mariita52! I am glad I could make you laugh. : )

Well, brussel sprouts causing gout is a new one 😂 😂

A new one for me too! LOL!

I still remember my first taste of brussel sprouts... I understand why poor Matilda went crazy!

Great poem, great fun!

HaHa! I will never, ever forget my first and last taste of brussel sprouts!

Thanks for the nice complimet. : )

You're welcome!

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lol! That is hilarious Butterfly! Well done. Do you like Brussel Sprouts?

Thanks Jonboy! No...I hate Brussel Sprouts...can't you tell? LOL!

lol..well that was perfect thing, you're so good at writing those!

Thanks so much once again Jonboy! : )

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