Wolf seen - POB (proof of brain)

in Freewriters6 months ago (edited)

...we study history to make sure we can make the same mistake...

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Anyone saw Woof?

I am not sure when I saw him for the last time. Perhaps it was yesterday as he was howling from the roof and made the others cry along with him. If it comes to wolves it's not true they only howl at the full moon Howling is a way of communicating and they do it at certain times. I know since I have four of them and they surround me but today I stay out of their way mainly because I am upset, upset because of what I read as I hopped around to spread some Easter joy.

My brain has a problem understanding people lately and it's fine if you call me crazy since it's true it makes me mad if preaches about love and understanding, warm embraces turn out to be empty words again. I have something with empty words while others have something with my words. I am fine with criticism especially if it comes from someone who comes with proof (proof in the way the statement is built on ...) but all I hear is each time the same words and I never receive an answer if it comes to my questions. No answer means there is none and if that's the case the person in question starts to be mean. It must feel great to be a keyboard warrior, hate others because they do not share the same opinion. I am the wolf in the henhouse.

It is strange how one can think in a certain country live more intelligent people but it turns out it's not true more the opposite. I discussed what I bumped into this morning with my children and we all agree that for most people it's impossible to share an opinion - even though it's asked for - since those who dare to say how they feel will be laughed at, chased like a witch out of the city, be nailed to cross and treated like trash. I can say I learned something, today and I understand why children do not trust parents unable to show love and empathize because of their lack of love.

It's clearly hard to love a child that doesn't fit to your expectations, it's like having a pet that keeps wetting the bed or refuses to sit on your lap. You try to castrate it and if that doesn't work out, you find a way to get rid of it. It will be thrown over the gate of a shelter or you kick it outside on the streets. Not because you think it will be happier to have its freedom back but because you have enough of the waste of money and don't want to deal with the responsibilities any longer. . They just sound more intelligent because of their language which deeple or google translates into the more "sophisticated" words of the English language.

It's also interesting how hate can be felt on the internet and even those who pretend to be polite do not manage to do so, so how to kick down someone sneakily in the open?
If you can't say "I hate you" straight in the face you start a blah blah about a picture used, since according to you AI is not allowed on Steemit. Give me a break lady: each banner you use, the entire tool you use to check me out and next put underneath my post is all work of AI just like emojis and so much more we use daily. I rather prefer you to say straight in my face why you hate me! Can it be I am the mirror you refuse to look in?

Beliefs whatever it may be, the way we are raised, and the experiences we go through are what make us the kind of people we are. The lovely personalities, those who always emphasize, the scrooges, the bitter, envying and haters. I wish I could turn my back against them and ignore but... I can't. I am if it comes to that a stubborn farmer who fights the storm, a Frenchman not afraid to start a revolution and a German who might be forced on his feet but who will always arise.

To those who believe that the "women on waves" never cry, don't suffer from what brainless people shout, never feel threatened are wrong. Those women sail only for one reason which is to help and embrace those abandoned by their own family, that family that preaches about god and 7 sins but seems to forget that the most important law of all is to love, next to god, your neighbour.

if heaven exists and there's only one I prefer to go to hell instead of being surrounded by "good people" till eternity, those who never learned and felt what true love means.

It's a hard task to make the @worldsmile

#comment - time to leave.jpg

If you made it this far, thank you for trying to read me. I'm fine if you do not leave a long #comment

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I did this, can you miss a few #Steem too
so a few more of us can 'celebrate' the end of the month?
Thank you! @wakeupkitty

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Header/Pictures/Photogrid: Canva
Prompt: wolf seen - @freewritehouse
I'm a mobile writer only

#freewrite #comment #kittywu #pob

 6 months ago (edited)

So sorry, I can tell someone have raised the sleeping anger inside, dark chocolates would have been sent but it will be Ai created that could be against the rules🥴. I will send to @worldsmile in few days, hope that will make you smile a little. Let no one borrow your smile, for humans are greedy borrowers that doesn't like to pay their debts except when collateral is involved. Some are like Shylock they want a pond of flesh, worry not I will be your Portia. Love and beautiful lights my friend.

 6 months ago (edited)

My dear friend you already make me smile with your presence, more than you know.

If you can lay hands on real chocolate (or a chocolate pie which is even better!) I am happy to give a donation!

If it comes to making the world smile you can also leave upvotes behind. Just do what makes you feel good since it's the only way to make the world smile you create and are living in and with that those near to you.

It's good to ventilate, get it off your chest, I will do so too (been working on the stolen words thief) but have to mow first. The gnomes are asleep after being busy all night.

We know exactly how you feel, know you can count on us if in need! We fight for what's right and justice!

 6 months ago 

I am happy you are much better today, yes sometimes we need to let it out, it is the best way to feel better as too much in, will be just too much

 6 months ago 

I just mowed, survived my nose bleedings, time to upvote and after that I'll let the the new brigade show their faces.


 6 months ago 

Oh oh so sorry about your nose bleed, was it cold that triggered it? Over here the heat can actually cook a meal.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 6 months ago 

Can be the cold bedroom..as a child I suffered a lot from it. Arrived at school I was on the floor, back home nose bleeding again back on the floor...my children have it to...a plus is we feel it before is flows. It will be over before I turned into a guy. 🤣

 6 months ago 

I never had it but knew someone who had it, that's how i got to know cold could be a trigger for it. Sorry dearie

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

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