The Power of Movies

in Freewriters3 years ago

Planetary tyranny

If I need a break I watch a film or series.
Not on television because I do not watch it although I still have one.
At the moment the first video player and recorder was introduced I bought one. It was a VHS Blaupunkt and expensive. Over 1800 gulden but worth the investment. Together with the player and recorder, the 'videotheeks' arrived. For a small amount you could watch a film and at that time videos were copied too. The only thing you needed was tape and a player. A player you could rent too.
At the time videos were banned because of the DVD, a cd that would be unbreakable and no scratch could be made on, the videos were sold for a small amount. I bought them and still have them. Interesting to know is their quality is better than any DVD (or CD) I ever bought. I can still play them, watch them after all those years (it's 40 years later). The last video recorders I bought only a few years ago and they were brand new. They cost me 2.50 euros (about 7.50 gulden today). Can you imagine that?
Watching movies at home is easier than going to the cinema especially with little children although I have been there with a baby. At that te, it was no problem to take a baby with you although for certain movies a child needed to be 4 years old.
The power of movies... it's not different from what teachers tell us, how commercials and the government influence our way of thinking. Although we know it is just a film, a story and not real we believe it is true. So we hate those they want us to hate, they make us believe what they want us to believe and they educate, modelling us in the way they want us to be.

time up

Slowly we are brainwashed without noticing it.

Most of what we say or believe is made up, only a part of the true story or a story told by a person who used his own imagination, sick mind or tunnel vision or worse: test how many believe what they see is true. We know people do. If today dr. Phill or some specialist tells A on Monday we all visit the doctor, but what is recommended or at least will mention what we heard or saw and spread the word. In the old days we did it by talking to others, today we do it by chatting, man, blogging.

Films or movies... they are not just for entertainment. They do influence the way how we see the world. It is a nonstop flood of information we absorb. Even little children are raised by what they see. If you ask me it's not healthy to let your toddler watch what you watch, to use television as a babysitter. The first Walt Disney cartoons were meant for adults not for children. As the broadcasting just started it wasn't 24/7 and there were special hours for children only. After 7 p.m. it was for adults. No child was watching. 7 p.m. was bedtime! Today they are exposed to all kinds of trash. Soaps, fake news, commercials every 10 minutes and besides of the fact many are brainwashed, learn nothing and say they switch on the tv to 'hear something' or 'to stay updated'.
If it comes to staying updated we will never know the truth. We know most of what we see is not truth and we know what is your truth isn't mine. Is it like the Dutch expression says: You only see one side of the medal". Unfortunately we rare see even that one side but what is made up based on a thought or piece of info. On the other hand we see the truth what is going on for real but label it as science fiction, fantasy, thriller, horror, fairy tale or... the history is changed in the way the writer or moviemaker likes it more.
Today many watch movies on a daily basis. We underestimate how it changes us, changes entire generations if it comes to their opinion or behaviour. We find normal what shouldn't be normal. The line between reality and fiction, our own norms and values are increasingly blurred without us being aware of it erased. Once that happened it's hard to change and find ourselves, our inner peace back.

If you believe there's no power in movies watch the Netflix series 'How to become a tyrant'. Step by step 'the handbook of tyrantny' explains how easy it is to rule, fool and... threaten people. And if you think you can't buy everything with money you didn't try hard enough. What this series shows you isn't different from what we experience today. Enjoy the series.

Entry freewrite. The prompt is provided by @mariannewest and written in bold/see title.

#kittywu #freewrite #life #movies #netflix #tyran


In what way are people being brainwashed and threatened. Let me give you an example.

For example, back in the Soviet time, the main slogan was:

"Socialism is the most advanced societal structure. It will win over the decaying capitalism and imperialism!"
"To catch and overtake the developed capitalistic economies!"

Today Russian has this slogan: "We will lean the spiritual rebirth of the planet"

In the USA the main slogans are different:

"We are the beacon of democracy and personal freedom in the world!" or "Let's show the world what democracy looks like!"

What are the slogans in Netherland?

I'd be curious to know how would Dutch government try to indoctrinate its people? What is its dominant ideological narrative?

 3 years ago 

What makes you think they have an ideology? A small country conquered the sea, once big and famous wants what all those big countries want. They were not accepted, payed way too much to the EU with hardly any voice. Our country, history, nation is sold to the highest bidder for power and the money is very welcome.

Like every country they spread fear, keep spreading it, they threaten people, turn against their own nation and brainwashed generations of people (I should say they helped the highest bidder to realize it).

Feeling mighty, power is what they want and that's why after the elections we still have no government, and a lot of rights are taken away.

In what way are people being brainwashed and threatened. Let me give you an example.

For example, back in the Soviet time, the main slogan was:

"Socialism is the most advanced societal structure. It will win over the decaying capitalism and imperialism!"
"To catch and overtake the developed capitalistic economies!"

Today Russian has this slogan: "We will lean the spiritual rebirth of the planet"

In the USA the main slogans are different:

"We are the beacon of democracy and personal freedom in the world!" or "Let's show the world what democracy looks like!"

What are the slogans in Netherland?

In what way are people being brainwashed and threatened. Let me give you an example.

For example, back in the Soviet time, the main slogan was:

"Socialism is the most advanced societal structure. It will win over the decaying capitalism and imperialism!"
"To catch and overtake the developed capitalistic economies!"

Today Russian has this slogan: "We will lean the spiritual rebirth of the planet"

In the USA the main slogans are different:

"We are the beacon of democracy and personal freedom in the world!" or "Let's show the world what democracy looks like!"

What are the slogans in Netherland?

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