 3 years ago 

What makes you think they have an ideology? A small country conquered the sea, once big and famous wants what all those big countries want. They were not accepted, payed way too much to the EU with hardly any voice. Our country, history, nation is sold to the highest bidder for power and the money is very welcome.

Like every country they spread fear, keep spreading it, they threaten people, turn against their own nation and brainwashed generations of people (I should say they helped the highest bidder to realize it).

Feeling mighty, power is what they want and that's why after the elections we still have no government, and a lot of rights are taken away.

In what way are people being brainwashed and threatened. Let me give you an example.

For example, back in the Soviet time, the main slogan was:

"Socialism is the most advanced societal structure. It will win over the decaying capitalism and imperialism!"
"To catch and overtake the developed capitalistic economies!"

Today Russian has this slogan: "We will lean the spiritual rebirth of the planet"

In the USA the main slogans are different:

"We are the beacon of democracy and personal freedom in the world!" or "Let's show the world what democracy looks like!"

What are the slogans in Netherland?

In what way are people being brainwashed and threatened. Let me give you an example.

For example, back in the Soviet time, the main slogan was:

"Socialism is the most advanced societal structure. It will win over the decaying capitalism and imperialism!"
"To catch and overtake the developed capitalistic economies!"

Today Russian has this slogan: "We will lean the spiritual rebirth of the planet"

In the USA the main slogans are different:

"We are the beacon of democracy and personal freedom in the world!" or "Let's show the world what democracy looks like!"

What are the slogans in Netherland?

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