Tea time - wilderness

in Freewriters3 years ago

Tea time, the time meant to drink tea. To some served with sandwiches, cupcakes and other treats. If you drink tea the entire day is that called tea time too?

At 3:30 pm after school, it used to be tea time. Time to gather around the kitchen table for a cup of tea and a cookie. A cookie also called tea biscuit. We didn't drink much back then. One cup of tea during breakfast, one cup at 3:30 pm and perhaps a cup with the evening meal which was bread. Drinking during dinner wasn't common with us. Sundays could be an exception if we dined at a restaurant. Tea - or for those who liked it coffee - was meant to be extra. There were strict times. At 10 am it was coffee time between 3:30 - 4 pm it was tea time and at 7 pm after the last meal it was a cup of coffee or tea again. No way that coffee in the evening was served with a cookie. One cookie a day was enough. I never missed that cookie though since I could eat chocolate sprinkles on my bread in the morning and evening if I liked. I never had a sweet tooth and tea we drank without sugar.
Tea with sugar and milk is what is given to babies and toddlers. Once older everyone drinks black tea. If you are used to it you don't miss it. I assume if you eat variated your body won't scream for sugar. The body is easily addicted to sugar especially if you eat it a lot. With a lot I don't only mean the sugar you add to your tea or coffee but also the one that comes for free with treats, fast food and lemonades. If your body craves sugar it's better to eat fruits. More healthy and these sugars last longer.

The tea we drank at home was always the same 'English breakfast tea' or something like that, a black tea sold by the brand Pickwick. My grandmothers both bought the same tea of the same brand. The points were cut out of the boxes and saved to buy something special from the Pickwick/DE shop. Something that had to do with tea or coffee. Coffee or teacups, silver teaspoons or a Chinese tea set.

A lot has changed since then. If I look at all those different tea brands and tastes each brand comes up with I can't say they look attractive to me. Most aren't tea but a bag with rests and some chemicals added to it. If the tea smells great at all it never tastes the same way. The tea sold today comes with the illusion you bought something good. The box the tea is sold in fools your mind and makes you believe the product is good. The way it smells can do the trick too. The disappointment comes if you open the box and try to cook some tea. The result is coloured water with chemicals that make you feel not well. How can it be tea became so expensive although real tea can hardly be found in that bag? If it comes to tea (coffee is no exception) it's not nature you taste and consume but chemicals.

I studied the ingredients of many articles in the shop and still read them before I buy. Each time again it surprises me how many chemicals and E-whatever-it-is-additives are in what we consume. I wonder about the need for it since nearly everyone has a fridge and many go shopping daily. What are all those additives except for "approved" by the government, EU or other organisations who always run behind the facts and hide the truth about how dangerous it is what they feed us with? Transfat is a great example of it and so is palm fat. Both cause cancer which explains why so many in the Western world suffer from it. The body is poisoned already as a newborn receives his vaccinations, drink chemical baby milk (or poisoned mother milk) followed by tea with a ladyfinger biscuit and it won't get any better once it grows up.


I promised myself I won't drink before I finished free writing. I won't wait till tea time because these days I drink to stay warm. I try to keep warm by keeping myself busy in and outside in the wilderness, since the house isn't heated yet. That won't happen before it's 3 pm and indeed tea time.

During my childhood, I never drank much nor did I as an adult. The opinion about how much a person should drink has changed. At least 1.5-2 litres a day. I drank way more last two years but I can't say I feel any difference or look different. I have strong doubts about all those litres advised to people to drink. The more you drink the more your kidneys need to work. Kidneys aren't a sieve where every liquid simply falls through.

I read that drinking water with us isn't as great as the government wants us to believe. They tell us it's as good as the water sold in the shop and raised taxes on the water bought. This turns out to be a lie. The most known brand of water sold with us is Spa and Spa Reine is thirty times cleaner and healthier than what the water corporations provide us with.

Bad water, all those extras added to it to keep the water pipes clean, isn't good for your health plus you cannot make a decent cup of tea with all those 'minerals' in it. Minerals that your body can't use or hardly get rid of. It will not only harm the stomach, intestines, kidneys and bladder but the entire body.

I hope to have a water filter soon to have cleaner water and a better cup of tea. If it works I will have an old fashioned tea time during a weekend with all sorts of (homemade) delights. Snacks without E-numbers, transfat, palm fat and chemicals.


#health #kittywu #teatime #tea #habits #freewrite #norms #values


At least 1.5-2 liters a day. But it has to be water, not tea or coffee. Those guys create a different chemical bound in the body as far as I know.

I can tell you one thing. Once I abandon tea and started to drink only water with lemon my BP because normal and I stopped taking all these medications.

 3 years ago 

For months -nearly two years- I drank 4 litres of water a day. It did nothing except for a painful belly because of all the water.

I gave up on meds about 3 years ago. Entire life prednisone. I only feel better.


That's too much water. You need 1.5 liters or so besides other drinks. Cutting out meet acts differently to different people. As far as I know, meat contains 7 nutrients necessary for the human body that plants don't have. So if you cut it out completely, there are some supplements that you need to take. I eat red meat pretty rarely. Maybe once in two months, but I eat chicken almost every day. To me, water with lemon did the trick.

 3 years ago 

The specialist said I had to drink that much because I look dehydrated. The infusions did nothing, did not make me feel better. The extra salt he wanted me to take made me more miserable and nauseous. Red meat I haven't seen in years on rare occassions I eat liver. If I eat meat it's chicken, turkey or pork. Rare occassions fish. I use real butter only, sometimes eggs. I feel better, way better since I do it my way.

Now I'm going to try the filtered water for some weeks. I tried water with lemon but it isn't always available and didn't do much.

I have supplements but am going to cut them down after the winter. Not so sure if they do anything or it's just the next big pharma thing.

I don't need to eat much never could. Feel way better this way. Thanks for responding. I appreciate it and you give me something to think.

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