
in Freewriters3 years ago

Is it just one heartbreak that breaks us? Big or small each time we cannot trust anyone our heart breaks. Each time we feel hurt, abused, neglected, are scolded at our heart breaks. If we lose our dreams, the one we love, if death shows on our doorstep our heart breaks. Some get over it others never will and advices given can not change anything. Once broken the only thing left is to try to fix what is broken. Possible or impossible?

77 Heartbreaks... Why 77? Because 7 is not enough to leave someone and 490 are too much and 77 times is the number a reasonable person can forgive.
Eva buys the notebook and writes down her heartbreaks, those 77 Adam gave her. She leaves while he is asleep and the only thing left behind is her pink notebook. A notebook worth reading, perhaps keeping yourself if you don't like to end like Eva's mother crying every day in the kitchen.

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