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RE: Incapable

in Freewriters3 months ago

With a face like he's sucking a lemon

You are so funny… 😂😂😂😂

if I didn’t know you, I would have thought it was a Nigerian that made that statement because those are our type of insults but with our Nigerian Pidgin English..

Is good to know your son is now back home..


It's always good to make you laugh. Be assured you'll find that humour here the dutch language has a very lively way of speaking especially those in the west.

He had his first exam, passed (11 not) today is complain day because of the Marathon, chilfish teacher for a moment they thought he refused to do the exam on the 31st because he knows how they think about him! More lemons to suck or swallow for the nasty...

Happy Monday!

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