The tragedy of the ferrets

in Freewriters4 years ago


The old weasel has long been suffering. He was in hunger and felt turmoil in his heart. He was busy thinking about where to find food tonight?

The whining of hunger cues of the children adds confusion to his heart, so his heart breaks, then curls up and let the baby absorb the nipple which is not full.

The poor ferret looks at the loving babies. Long sighs of lamentation and the struggle of life that must be in the future generation.

Remembering the beautiful past. In the past, the jungle was a pleasant place, abundant food, calm, calm and peaceful, never tired of looking for food. Now it has changed into housing and hospitality.

When his stomach is unstoppable, defecates as he pleases, the seeds from his stomach then germinate and then become buds, incarnate diverse trees, make the forest comfortable, green, and lush.

The happy moment is broken now, when the intelligent two-legged savage creature starts to disturb its jungle. First cut down a large tree, then a small trunk, until all is left. That cruel creature robbed his fortune.

The complaint of the child is the pain of the mother, then said, patiently dear, Mother would have taken a little fortune from the savage creature who lives across the river.

The mighty mother came out burrow, the dry wind this month sent cold into the tail feathers. Cold and hungry can't beat love. Mother who will do anything for the sake of her baby, he does not bother even though every hunt is a gamble of life.

His determination was petrified, the cry of the baby crying became energy. With a dashing through the shrubs across the path made by two-legged creatures to the house of the main enemy.

The old weasel is now standing behind the chicken coop. Delicious aroma coming from inside the cage, piercing the nostrils. When safe, the weasel walks slowly toward the cage.

Around the cage, looking for loopholes. The sharp-toothed old female ferret breaks the fragile bamboo slats. Put your head in, the smell of savory increasingly disturbing, be andrenaline flowing profusely.

His eyes were still sharp looking at the chicken curled up in the corner of the cage. Drugged with delicacy, then pounced on the neck of a chicken, there was a commotion.

When the flashlight beam stripped him, he jumped into the grove of galangal trees by dragging the victim.

Weasel !!! Catch it !! Kill !!! "the sound of a cruel creature shocked the old weasel." Weasel ... !!! This is the thief ... !!! Kill .. !!! "shouted a cruel creature full of fury. With emotion and anger that overflowed, the creature cut the leaves and sticks of galangal. The weasel blazing as fast as lightning, but his efforts are still caught by the enemy.

Sharp iron hit his feet, blood flowed profusely, making the warrior's mother fall and prey in her mouth released. Take it again. He ignored the attacking pain. He rose again, running again before the enemy caught him. His steps were now not as fast as before, the object in his mouth had slowed his movements.

His physical has now fallen sharply. There was nothing he thought but to focus on getting home quickly and giving happiness to his children. The hole where his children are getting closer, the weasel is even more excited. Although the blood dripped in the grass. The female warrior was indeed very brave, the hunter avoided by infiltrating shrubs and grasses in an effort to get to the place of residence.

The aches and pains mingle with each other with fatigue, fatigue and trembling, joining in the body piercing. Which with it has worsened his fitness.

Stumbling and crawling he forced himself to the hole. The struggle to feed her children arrived at the time of termination. His body is no longer able to bear wounds all over his body. The old warrior was only able to deliver chicken carcasses to the mouth of the rut.

My son, ... look and feel, delicious food that the mother promised. Hurry up kid, hurry up ... grab this food and drag it in. This is enough food to last for a week. My child!.

The ferret mother said to herself. He drew his last breath, then his life was lost in silence.

The pleasant aroma sent by the morning breeze finally entered the burrow where he lived. Because they have been affected by the smell of rancid fresh blood from the carcasses of chickens which are now increasingly felt to be more assertive, ferret children then crawl slowly toward the source of the scent.

As the weasel children approach the chicken carcass, from a distance, a pair of sharp python eyes can be seen aiming at the mouth of the hole under the old bungur tree. His red tongue stuck out with passion.

Next what happens is who will become the first python victim. Chicken carcasses or weasel children?

That's all ...

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