weekend-freewrite-4-18-2020-single-prompt-option / My freewrite #6

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

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Writing for the prompt: Baby

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Riko, an exceptional renowed artist and Agnes, a high school teacher being married to each other for eight long years without a child. Though they have never let the remorse rule them, and always accepted it as their fate. The absence of a baby never have been a threat to their warm relationship. This empty but deep portal of love acted as a canopy to the sadness of the denied answers from the fertility clinics. Agnes couldn't think of leaving him, while Riko believes that adoption is vaguely possible.

Time moved swiftly, and their need for child slowly began to diminish as their work became their priority.

Riko excelled in his own traditional art of his culture that reflected the sprituality. He potrays the gods and the saints fused with modern form of oil painting in his canvas.

End of five minutes
To be continued...

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My freewrite for weekend-freewrite-4-18-2020-single-prompt-option by @mariannewest

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