Day 837: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: snot

in Freewriters4 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Tuesday prompt snot hosted by @mariannewest

Lately, electronics have been going haywire around me. I can have my phone sitting on the cooler on my boat and it will either call my husband or the oldest daughter, just those two. My laptop has gone bonkers. It has a mind of its own and does not hesitate to show it to me. It tells me that I have the wrong ac adapter, it is the same one I have had for years. The scroll bar will disappear, it goes to sites that I do not type in. I had to go back to posting on steemit because I can no longer copy my free-write picture to busy, it will not let me log in to steempeak. And the worst part it ate all my passwords. I am just about to the point of beating the snot out of both of them. I would do just that if I had the money to replace them. So, for now, I will cuss at it and hope it gets its fill of screwing with me and go back to working right.

Today my husband drove 40 miles south and put his boat over. He fished all day for 10 pompano. I was smart and stayed here, maybe I was dumb for staying, I caught one. I was sitting with all six rods out and a pompano jumped out of the water, it went between my two front rods then all the way cattywampus to my boat, it went clean across lengthwise and out the other side between both back rods. I was like wtf, how can one do that and not land in the boat? Then I was like dummy you should have tried to bat it down in the boat instead of watching it go out the other side.



We are so used to having cell phones and computers at our fingertips that when they act up it is maddening. I hope yours get straightened out Cissy.

@redheadpei I had a different laptop and told my daughter it was possessed and she laughed at me. One day she was using it and she says, Mom your computer just to a file and moved it to a different location, I looked at her and said, see I told you it was possessed, she never laughed at me after that.

Some people with their super charged energy are able to cause a disturbance in electronics by the mood they are in when near one?

@redheadpei I must be one of them, I was walking across the yard today, my cell phone had been in my back pocket for hours while I worked outside. I started walking towards my husband and his phone starts ringing, he says why are you calling me. I show him my hands and say I am not calling you. I tried to stop the call and it would not do it. After voice mail was over it hung up, just to call him back. I turned the damn thing off. lol

electronics are frustrating - at least to me.

@mariannewest it is good to know that I am not alone.

I know what you mean about electronics having a mind of their own. About the only thing I know about my computer is how to turn it off and on again and if that doesn't fix the problem, beating the snot out of it is my only option.

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@deirdyweirdy thanks for the prompt. Computer and cell phones drive me ditzy.

I'm laughing about the pompano that got away, because I am quite sure I, too, would have just watched it doing all those antics and never thought about trying to nab it in the boat!

@scribblingramma I am sure I had a WTH look on my face, just sat there watching him go. LOL, my husband says no one can think that fast, I am going to try being a faster thinker.

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